Finding oneself


I am really struggling in my full time very full on job. I had a shutdown last week at work and have managed to go in one day since. Despite 4 days on sleep I am off again today. I am finding it hard to know how to function in the world and accept my limits. To the observer I'm very capable as I can do my job but it takes it out of me. I love it snd am considering a career change but have no idea how to make that shift. I am struggling to accept that I won't ever be able to live the busy lives others do and don't know how to find a balance for myself.

  • Hi and welcome to the community.

    It's totally understandable to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to function when you're struggling with a demanding job, especially after experiencing a shutdown. Remember that it's okay to have limits and that it's important to accept them. You're capable and your job may bring you great joy, but it's crucial to find a balance that works for you. Perhaps consider exploring different roles within your current field or researching other career options that might be a better fit for your energy levels.

    Don't be afraid to seek support from professionals, like a therapist or career counselor, who can help you navigate this transition successfully. 

    And feel free to ask for help and support here whenever you need it. This is a really friendly and helpful community.

  • Hi and welcome to the community.

    It's totally understandable to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to function when you're struggling with a demanding job, especially after experiencing a shutdown. Remember that it's okay to have limits and that it's important to accept them. You're capable and your job may bring you great joy, but it's crucial to find a balance that works for you. Perhaps consider exploring different roles within your current field or researching other career options that might be a better fit for your energy levels.

    Don't be afraid to seek support from professionals, like a therapist or career counselor, who can help you navigate this transition successfully. 

    And feel free to ask for help and support here whenever you need it. This is a really friendly and helpful community.

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