Coping with burnout while keeping going

How do you cope with full autistic burnout while keeping going?

I know the only real way to recover and heal from burnout is to rest but what do you do when rest simply isnt an option? I cant take a break from work or I wont be able to pay the bills and rent. I need to still care for my young children as well so complete rest isnt really an option

How do I keep going and yet still heal and recover? Does anyone have any tips for this 

  • Hello ,

    Im sorry to hear that you may be struggling with burnout. You may like to have a look at out information on autistic burnout and fatigue, which includes some strategies to manage:

    I hope this helps,


  • I know the only real way to recover and heal from burnout is to rest but what do you do when rest simply isnt an option?

    You have to make a change to give you a chance to rest and recharge. If you don't then you are at serious risk of it changing from burnout to meltdown which will stop you being to do anything for an unknown period of time.

    You have responsibilities - I get that so your best way forward in my opinion is to create a space in your day to be on your own, without anything to do but be still or indulge in the things which help you recharge (watching your favourite TV, knitting, reading or whatever it is).

    I expect you may need to call in support for this - someone to take the kids for a few hours a few times a week or even an overnighter. Just be sure to use that time for you and not to catch up on chores.

    The other thing you will benefit from is imposing some regimented time at home - get your partner to pick up more of the chores (if there is one), get the kids to bed at a set time and don't respond if they are nagging for attention - basically carve out time for you.

    Delegating tasks to the children as soon as they are old enough is also good practice - make them feel a part of the machine of the household and they will evolve a feeling of responsibility (plus take a task off your hands). Make them tidy up after themselves as a matter or course as soon as they are old enough to understand.

    It won't be easy but you can do it. Lots have done this in your same situation so it is possible - and keep your sights on your little envelope of recharge time is something to keep you going.

    I guess you could sell your children for medical experiments and use the money for a nice long holiday to recharge. Some people frown upon this for some reason - beats me why ;)

    Good luck.