Occupational Therapists


I have been looking at getting referred to an occupational therapist (OT) via doctors/work and it's there just seems to be so many hurdles. 

For context, I work for a very small business, so doctor has advised me to get referred via the NHS, which he said should have a fairly quick turn around, so has referred me on the things I am entitled to following my diagnosis report:

  • Support with employment (reasonable adjustments via OT)
  • Sensory processing assessment (with OT)
  • Support with employment and sensory processing sensitivities (OT)

I was told all of the above was to be referred via my GP, as I mentioned, which was done through a face-to-face appointment. 

Following this, my doctor got back to me a few days later and told me:


I referred you to Occupational Health for the Sensory Assessment. I am afraid they say they do not provide such a service.
The centre also say they are not commisioned to provide a Sensory Assessment.
I can try asking for funding but this doesnt usually work.
Let me know."

I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for next steps, or has been in a similar situation?

  • Is it still worth pursuing through the NHS?
  • Are there are any charities that may support with OT assessments?
  • Any recommendations on going private?

My employer is more than happy to go via the private route or if there are any options to secure funding/grants for the OT assessments, but I feel a bit out my depth so would like to see if anyone else has been through this. 

Thanks in advance!

  • I can only speak for myself, but seeking a person-centred therapist (who is also autistic) has been a lifeline.

    I did have CBT but it didn't do it for me. I appreciate that the structured approach may work for others though.

  • Thanks, HMO. :-)

    The frustrating thing I think about the whole process is actually finding any support! It's never really made clear post-diagnosis where to go or who to reach out to. 

    I have been given a contact to go onto waitlist for therapy and was told to mention my autism, that way I should get given a therapist that specialises in autism - so fingers crossed for that side of things!

    I've had CBT before pre-diagnosis when I was falsely diagnosed with an anxiety/panic disorder and not autism - I hated CBT, would rather not do that again haha.

  • Thanks, HMO. :-)

    The frustrating thing I think about the whole process is actually finding any support! It's never really made clear post-diagnosis where to go or who to reach out to. 

    I have been given a contact to go onto waitlist for therapy and was told to mention my autism, that way I should get given a therapist that specialises in autism - so fingers crossed for that side of things!

    I've had CBT before pre-diagnosis when I was falsely diagnosed with an anxiety/panic disorder and not autism - I hated CBT, would rather not do that again haha.

  • Yeah, I've been diagnosed for nearly 18 years and there was no support as an adult. Still isn't. My therapist isn't really a support system in that sense but she's been the most support I've had autism wise.

    When I did CBT the most recent time, they said they'd go for an autism focus. Didn't last long. Had a session of acceptance and commitment therapy before the person said we'll put the autism stuff to one side...

    I think you generally get an idea from the beginning, as you should. Hopefully you do.