Where are we all from?

II'm amazed at how many people here say English isn't thier first language and presumably thier heritage isn't either. How fascinating, in my stunning and vast ignorance I'd assumed that most people here would be from the UK, how international are we as a group of users? By the way I think multinationalism and multiculturalism are great, so I'm not trying to make anyone uncomfortable or unwelcome.

I'm English and have the usual English problems with language, I can be dyslexic in as many languages as you want to try me with, including English. I recently had my DNA tested with an ancestry site as I was researching my family history and found that I'm 84% southern English, which is apparently quite rare, most British people are a mix of Saxon, Irish and Scandi genes, so it looks like my families have been knocking about the place for hundreds of years.

  • Essex. 

    Don't look at me like that. 

  • I like Essex. When visiting family, I was 14 at the time, we went to see Colchester Castle and I found it such an interesting experience. I think it's a very interesting place to visit - Essex = history and that means it's my kind of place! 

    Haven't been since unfortunately. Worried But undoubtedly I'll visit there again one day.

  • I like Essex. When visiting family, I was 14 at the time, we went to see Colchester Castle and I found it such an interesting experience. I think it's a very interesting place to visit - Essex = history and that means it's my kind of place! 

    Haven't been since unfortunately. Worried But undoubtedly I'll visit there again one day.

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