I'm feeling discombobulated. Tech, tourists and speed limits

I had a meeting with someone who's there to help people with tech, smart phones and the like, it didn't go well, I found out that whatsapp is a place where you can share emails with a group, only I'm not part of any groups, she tried using an advert as an example of something, I don't watch adverts, I think it was about holidays, I dont' go on holiday. Then she said that as I can use email, the rainforresty place and make calls and texts I don't need anything else, I couldn't get through to her that although I don't want a smart phone it's becoming increasingly difficult to live without one and I need to know how to use things like car parking apps and QR codes. It didn't help that the library where we were meeting has no phone signal anyway and the computers are ancient and the speeds practically dial up levels. She didn't engage with the number of things I've crashed and how I don't know if it's me or the device, nobody seems to engage with that one though.

I had to leave the session early as I was feeling overwhelmed and spent the rest of the evening feeling concussed from the big grey wall that is tech that I'd been banging my head against for an hour. Does anyoone else feel like they have big walls in front of them with things they don't understand that when they run into them leave them feeling sort of concussed?

TThis morning I realised it's easter next weekend, the start of the annual invasion of tourists, there's been so many sinse covid, herds of them cluttering the place up, leaving litter and doing really stupid stuff, like parking in front of peoples drive ways. I find the rudeness of so many of them really really difficult, I've come close violence a couple of times, things like when you get told that Welsh laws dont' apply to them as they're English, they only apply to those of us who live here. This was really bad during covid, the police were finding people going to their second homes and sending their luggage by courier so as they wouldn't get stopped at the border, they leave gates open, let thier dogs *** everywhere and won't keep them on leads. Now we have a 20mph speed limit in built up areas, many locals don't like it, but tourists are going mental, they already treat the roads like thier personal racetrack.

II'm dreading the summer and I want to be able to enjoy it, not feel like I'm braving a siege everytime I leave the house.

I feel stressed out already, the only potential high point is that heard that many second home owners and itinerant pensioners in their caravans are selling up and leaving because they don't like the 20mph limit, if only!

  • I feel for you. Both about the tourists, (Although they do bring money as well as aggravation to your area) and the increasing tendancy for people to think of a smartfone as indispensible.

    FWIW, I drew my lne in the sand at phone "apps".

    I tell people "It's a TELEPHONE, not a computer" and refuse point blank to run whatsapp etc. 

  • Tourists bring short term, low paid insecure jobs in the "hospitality" sector, which now finds it hard to recruit staff, party because of Brexit and partly because many ordinary people can't afford to live here because tourists buy houses as second homes or as holiday homes.

    The thing with smart phones is that everything is becoming geared towards them, even something as simple as a menu in a cafe, many don't have physical menu's anymore, you have to scan a QR code. I'm told by my family that I couldn't use the trams in Manchester because all the tickets are phone based, no phone, no travel, the drivers dont' take cash or cards.

  • Sounds a nightmare with tourists, I love Wales and we often spend days there on the coast, some of our favourite places, it's awful to see them being disrespected by other tourists, I always feel we're lucky to have these places within an hour or so from us and should respect them and the local people too.

    One thing with smart phones is there's a lot of positives....

    I find if I'm feeling low that being able to order in a cafe or bar without the stress of a queue and interaction is a blessing.

    Being able to interact via WhatsApp rather than talking to people is good sometimes, setting up a group to avoid having to repeat the same stuff over with each person is good (although most groups are family as I admit I've not been the best with gathering friends on my way through life!!)

    Generally being able to do a lot of self service without having to interact with people, shopping for stuff while I'm out , listening to music and podcasts (there's an OCD rescue podcast I've found helped me no end and it's always a time when I'm not near to home when I needed it), setting reminders and timers (I have ADHD as well as ASD)Paying for stuff using phone when I've forgot my wallet or left it in the car.

    it's more like having a very portable personal computer than a phone.

    It's a brilliant place to hide in public , on train journeys, if you just can't deal with the anxiety of interaction that day too!

    But there's a dark side, the thing I don't get is some of the junk I see people putting on social media, like they've got nothing better to do and think they're all minor celebrities that other people care what they've done and posted on there for attention. I tend to check the village page and a couple of others but generally think social media is the dark side of technology, mainly because of the people that use it, beings out their worst side.

    Guess what I'm trying to say is, don't totally dismiss some of the things on smart phones , You might find ways it could be helpful.

  • Some really are trying , I've seen firms with whole departments set up to look after their vulnerable customers, while others just give in and cater for the majority.

    Trade off between being inclusive and it costing them a lot, therefore risking their position in a market,  Versus being willing to turn away a minority in order to have a simpler operating model and be more profitable.

    It is and is going to be a bigger problem as time goes on, people being excluded and isolated through no real fault of their own.

  • I have noticed that... society is more openly recognising autism and other conditions these days, but once it has it does little to adjust for them! 

  • I don't have any helper's worker's or carer's, asking to speak to one of these seems to be the default setting for NT's when ASD's don't know how to do something or ask an awkward question.

  • The government needs to create legislation that forces these things to exist

    I understand that getting these things made available is highly desirable for us, but is it really worth the effort for the companies?

    For commercial companies they have shareholders to report to and spending a lot of a tiny percentage of (probably unprofitable) customers is not good business. In the end it will be cheaper to pay fines than have to provide the sorts of services that are being asked for.

    Government and public sector companies are typically so cash starved that they simply cannot afford to do it.

    In reality I believe that those who will not use apps (not cannot use - the thread here is more that they will not adopt because they lack knowledge, confidence or the tolerance to discomfort to do so) are probably going to be so disadvantaged through their choices that they will be forced into it or remain outside the system.

    For those who really cannot use them, getting someone who can help use them is their most practical way forward. A carer or helper is the logical choice.

    It is not a nice outlook but I think this is where we are headed. Adapt of fall by the wayside. Expecting companies to go out of their way to help us is not likely to work.

  • I think we're all agreeing that this is a big problem. Some of us are tech savvy and others not, nobody should be disadvantaged and there should be more provision.

    Most firms these days, especially big institutions like banks, shop chains, NHS, insurance etc. find that compared to its other self service channels , providing face to face, branches, phone service is very expensive and the more people turn to smart phones and online services the less people they're catering for , so the "cost per customer" goes up and up. they're desperate for people to go online so they can cut these costs and compete with the "online only" shops and banks that don't have these overheads that will turn people away now if they're not willing or able to go online. They are genuinely putting firms that provide traditional service out of business, so in some cases it's not as much greed as it is survival. I know many firms that are actively trying to ensure accessibility for all.

    There will always be people who can't for whatever legitimate reason though, these people need to be catered for, especially as they form some of the more vulnerable groups in society.  The government needs to create legislation that forces these things to exist (if they don't already) , it's already mandatory to provide lifts , specially fitted toilets and ramps for those not able bodied, this is no difference in my opinion.

  • Like I say it is a choice.

    You admit to feeling forced to use a smartfone in order to park your car.

    Let's drill down here a bit and see how exactly you are being prevented from pariing your car, and more importantly how teh problem can be overcoem without the use of a smartfone.

    1. is there an actual space? - yes.

    2. Can you physically get yoru car into ito it? - We'll assume yes. 

    3. Are you prepared to pay for your use of that space? - Of course, you are a decent citizen going about your daily business, in harmony with your society. (I assume I have that right, and you aren't as hacked off with the endless stupidity and poor quality leadeship and service deliver we now endure, that you almost don;t care any more)

    YOU are perfectly entitled to use the space, You just need to pay for it. (there is usually instructions on how to do that on the meter, BUT we will assume there are none). 

     YOU look and find, Oh Noes! I've lost my phone? What do you do? Drive off? Leave the space put there for you to use (at a fee)?  Probably yes, admittedly, most people will.

    But legally providing you discharge you obligation to pay the correct amount in a timely manner in the Kings Money you are doing nothing wrong. THE PARKING PEOPLE are actually pushng their luck (theretically leaglly) by making the machines NOT accept money or at least debit cards...

    As I started to write the simple thing that you can do instead of paying for a smartfone and installing an app that you don't really want or need, I remembered that I spent many years parking in city centres for my job, in places YOU wouldn't dare, I've shadowed my partner though a law degree, and I'm irritatingly intelligent in some ways, so what works for me probably only works because it's me. 

    But it might be worth phoning the council, explaining that "you cannot use a smartfone sucessfully" (I have multiple reasons myself, only a few which I've expressed here, they'll shut me up beofre Ive finsiohed listing them)) and request an alternatve method of payment. 

    They have to provide one..

    99% of the country are not post-op transeexuals.

    That minority has equal rights to a parking space under the law to the other 99%.

    99% of people have a smatphone, but 1% (like selectively technophic little me) choose not to.

    Do we not have eqaul rights to use a parking space?

    The authority needs to make a reasonable adjustment. And they know it, even if you don't.

    BUT it's "convenient" to pay that way.

    It will be even more convenient when you can pay for EVERYTHING using your smartphone, won't it? The banks have sdecided to launch CDBC's (digital money) as soon as they can get their ducks in a row, and like the smartphome it'll be optional at first...

    Very soon just like China we will have a social credit system and that will be linked to the digital money so that if they need to fine, tax, or, deduct any "fees" it'll be automatic. If you say the worng thing on a website and your social credit dips your fees will go up...  

    IF you think juggling a few credit cards, standing orders and a mortage is hard on you now, just wait and see where they take you next..

    Cash is simple.

    Some of us already have started occasionally paying or receiving precious metals as a cash alternative. (In 2002 I paid for a painttjob with silver coins, recently I bought some land using gold coins, And I've taken casual work payment in silver wire...) 

    Tine for a relevant piece of music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_IFHYzk0rY

    With the lyrics, so it will make more sense. 

    Sometimes tolerance, let alone acceptance, is an inapropriate response to a circumstance.

  • Like I say it is a choice.

    You admit to feeling forced to use a smartfone in order to park your car.

    Let's drill down here a bit and see how exactly you are being prevented from pariing your car, and more importantly how teh problem can be overcoem without the use of a smartfone.

    1. is there an actual space? - yes.

    2. Can you physically get yoru car into ito it? - We'll assume yes. 

    3. Are you prepared to pay for your use of that space? - Of course, you are a decent citizen going about your daily business, in harmony with your society. (I assume I have that right, and you aren't as hacked off with the endless stupidity and poor quality leadeship and service deliver we now endure, that you almost don;t care any more)

    YOU are perfectly entitled to use the space, You just need to pay for it. (there is usually instructions on how to do that on the meter, BUT we will assume there are none). 

     YOU look and find, Oh Noes! I've lost my phone? What do you do? Drive off? Leave the space put there for you to use (at a fee)?  Probably yes, admittedly, most people will.

    But legally providing you discharge you obligation to pay the correct amount in a timely manner in the Kings Money you are doing nothing wrong. THE PARKING PEOPLE are actually pushng their luck (theretically leaglly) by making the machines NOT accept money or at least debit cards...

    As I started to write the simple thing that you can do instead of paying for a smartfone and installing an app that you don't really want or need, I remembered that I spent many years parking in city centres for my job, in places YOU wouldn't dare, I've shadowed my partner though a law degree, and I'm irritatingly intelligent in some ways, so what works for me probably only works because it's me. 

    But it might be worth phoning the council, explaining that "you cannot use a smartfone sucessfully" (I have multiple reasons myself, only a few which I've expressed here, they'll shut me up beofre Ive finsiohed listing them)) and request an alternatve method of payment. 

    They have to provide one..

    99% of the country are not post-op transeexuals.

    That minority has equal rights to a parking space under the law to the other 99%.

    99% of people have a smatphone, but 1% (like selectively technophic little me) choose not to.

    Do we not have eqaul rights to use a parking space?

    The authority needs to make a reasonable adjustment. And they know it, even if you don't.

    BUT it's "convenient" to pay that way.

    It will be even more convenient when you can pay for EVERYTHING using your smartphone, won't it? The banks have sdecided to launch CDBC's (digital money) as soon as they can get their ducks in a row, and like the smartphome it'll be optional at first...

    Very soon just like China we will have a social credit system and that will be linked to the digital money so that if they need to fine, tax, or, deduct any "fees" it'll be automatic. If you say the worng thing on a website and your social credit dips your fees will go up...  

    IF you think juggling a few credit cards, standing orders and a mortage is hard on you now, just wait and see where they take you next..

    Cash is simple.

    Some of us already have started occasionally paying or receiving precious metals as a cash alternative. (In 2002 I paid for a painttjob with silver coins, recently I bought some land using gold coins, And I've taken casual work payment in silver wire...) 

    Tine for a relevant piece of music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_IFHYzk0rY

    With the lyrics, so it will make more sense. 

    Sometimes tolerance, let alone acceptance, is an inapropriate response to a circumstance.

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