Generative AI is transforming how humans use dating apps and even spurring real people to romance AI chatbots.

  • You know some porn stars are putting online duplicates on the web as a paid service? They take images of themselves (including porn) and train the AI to deep fake new ones, then link it to a large langage model they fine tune on their way of talking and then they offer a service where their digital copies will be your online girlfriend, repond to messages online and send you naughty pics.

    They seem to like it. All the users sending overly personal nusence messages they encurage to talk to the bot plus they get money for it. Who knows maybe in the future loads of people could end up dating their celebrity crush ... its a facinating world we live in.

  • You know some porn stars are putting online duplicates on the web as a paid service? They take images of themselves (including porn) and train the AI to deep fake new ones, then link it to a large langage model they fine tune on their way of talking and then they offer a service where their digital copies will be your online girlfriend, repond to messages online and send you naughty pics.

    They seem to like it. All the users sending overly personal nusence messages they encurage to talk to the bot plus they get money for it. Who knows maybe in the future loads of people could end up dating their celebrity crush ... its a facinating world we live in.

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