Does anyone else get shower anxiety?

Hi everyone!

I’m not sure if this is just a me thing. Every time I have to have a shower, my anxiety goes crazy! My brain immediately starts thinking about the water and the wet hair and the in-between of wet and dry!

It's so frustrating! Once I shower, I’m usually okay but I can’t tell if I’m getting over-stimulated or not! 

  • It’s common to have sensory issues with having wet hair or skin. I only wash my hair when it feels dirty enough to get annoying and make effort to keep the water off my face. I have one of those turban wrap towel things which helps keep it out the way when it’s drying

  • It’s common to have sensory issues with having wet hair or skin. I only wash my hair when it feels dirty enough to get annoying and make effort to keep the water off my face. I have one of those turban wrap towel things which helps keep it out the way when it’s drying

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