Coping methods - Nappies

Hello, I have been having some issues recently and was hoping some of you may be able to help?

Please understand I am not trolling, this is genuine.

I have ASD and one of my coping methods is to wear nappies and use baby stuff. It helps me to feel safe. Currently I wear drynites every night and sometimes in the day. However they fall apart so I probably need to look for a different type. However I find adult nappies very intimaditing, I have tried putting stickers on them to make them look better but it makes them uncomfortable.

Does anyone know of any colourful adult nappies? Preferable cloth backed so they are breathable?

Also I use a dummy and was wondering if it is worth getting one designed for an adult?

Same with a changing mat?


  • I find that when I get stressed they help as I can go t oa time that I had no worries.

    It is a self-soothe strategy that me and my psychologist came up with along with the CPN who i see as part of my mental health team.

    We all agree, you cannot die from a diaper overdose (sorry to use the american word, but I prefer it to nappy), and there are far worse things in this world that a person could be into.

    So to all, who have the same feelings, why stop what helps you, I wont !


  • I find that when I get stressed they help as I can go t oa time that I had no worries.

    It is a self-soothe strategy that me and my psychologist came up with along with the CPN who i see as part of my mental health team.

    We all agree, you cannot die from a diaper overdose (sorry to use the american word, but I prefer it to nappy), and there are far worse things in this world that a person could be into.

    So to all, who have the same feelings, why stop what helps you, I wont !


  • I’ve got ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome And Pathalogical demand avoidance and uncontrollable anxiety and wear nappies for the same reason of feeling unsafe and for coping with life stuff and know exactly the same feelings it causes my knowledge of it is this in my belief the feelings that it causes and how becoming babyish etc makes You better in my view seems almost like a undisclosed form of autism or disability that hasn’t been identified because I’ve met many people with and without autism and found that half of the people I know share the same issues and so I tell myself everyday I am what I am, I don’t believe in using nappies or sharing experiences in such subject a considerable crime because it’s an innocent thing that is natural to everyone and everything And won’t ever let it dishearten me or let it be seen as offence because everyone forgets they were once a baby and that’s not a crime so having a life lived in same way but much older makes no difference u only get the one life to live so go out there and live it regardless because even tho this world is very difficult and misunderstood