Coping methods - Nappies

Hello, I have been having some issues recently and was hoping some of you may be able to help?

Please understand I am not trolling, this is genuine.

I have ASD and one of my coping methods is to wear nappies and use baby stuff. It helps me to feel safe. Currently I wear drynites every night and sometimes in the day. However they fall apart so I probably need to look for a different type. However I find adult nappies very intimaditing, I have tried putting stickers on them to make them look better but it makes them uncomfortable.

Does anyone know of any colourful adult nappies? Preferable cloth backed so they are breathable?

Also I use a dummy and was wondering if it is worth getting one designed for an adult?

Same with a changing mat?


  • Hi Bear 123,

    I see this is your first posting newly joined. It might be useful to clarify your autism/aspergers perspective.

    Is this something that arises out of having a diagnosis of Autism or Asperger's Syndrome?

    Conceivably it could be related to sexual ambiguity issues with autism.

    But most people reading this might otherwise be puzzled as to why you are asking about what to many might sound like "fetish" on an autism website. Wearing nappies for security re incontinence or bladder control is one thing, but the adult dummy is quite another.

  • Hi Bear 123,

    I see this is your first posting newly joined. It might be useful to clarify your autism/aspergers perspective.

    Is this something that arises out of having a diagnosis of Autism or Asperger's Syndrome?

    Conceivably it could be related to sexual ambiguity issues with autism.

    But most people reading this might otherwise be puzzled as to why you are asking about what to many might sound like "fetish" on an autism website. Wearing nappies for security re incontinence or bladder control is one thing, but the adult dummy is quite another.

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