Online and real life connections: are they equal/unequal in value or just different?

What is the difference between 'knowing' in real life and 'knowing' online? 

Do they both count as much as each other, these 2 very different types of connection?

I've read on here a post which I felt devalued  the connections we have here.

I find them rather valuable.

I think my in person life connections are more 'corporeal' but they are also more problematic and draining of my limited resources.

They also tend to be with allistics.

What do you think?

  • It's good to see you back. 

    There are some aspects of friendship you can't do online, but for me this is the place I can come where I know there are people who see things in a similar way to me that allistics don't understand. I don't have friends who are autistic in the real world.

    This is also a place where I can talk about interests that no-one I know would be interested in. Online people can choose to engage or not so they don't get bored.

  • It's good to see you back. 

    There are some aspects of friendship you can't do online, but for me this is the place I can come where I know there are people who see things in a similar way to me that allistics don't understand. I don't have friends who are autistic in the real world.

    This is also a place where I can talk about interests that no-one I know would be interested in. Online people can choose to engage or not so they don't get bored.
