Manageable jobs for autistic people

I am currently working as an administrator (full time, in person) and am constantly exhausted and overwhelmed. It seems like a job that should be manageable but I am struggling so much and currently on sick leave because of becoming burnt out. I think I need to find a different job because this isn't sustainable for me, but I have no idea what to look for. Does anyone know any jobs that are well suited to autistic adults? 

  • Does anyone know any jobs that are well suited to autistic adults? 

    This question is raised often in this place.  It is one that I find a little triggering (my problem, not yours Simeranio) because I perceive it as a meaningless question.  Autistic people are SO SO VERY VARIED that one cannot possibly proffer an answer.

    Some autistic people make excellent TV presenters.  Some autistic people make excellent scientists.  Some autistic people make excellent CEO's.  Some autistic people are excellent with animals.  Some autistic people are excellent crisis managers.  Some autistic people are excellent till operators.  

    .......And the opposites are also all true too.

    Only you can know what you are well suited for.....and perhaps more much energy you can reliably muster to do it.

    I wish you well in your search - it does sound like your current role is not working for you so I hope you will be able to determine what else you should do, and then secure it for yourself.

    Happy hunting.

  • Yes, that makes sense. Sorry if it was a silly question. I think it just often feels hopeless and I know a lot of autistic people struggle work at all so I was wondering if there were any specific jobs that are suited to our high sensitivities etc. but I realise each autistic person's struggle is different to the next. I personally struggle a lot with having too many demands/multitasking, and having too much social interactions, but then my mum who is autistic loves socialising so I guess my question was a bit pointless, sorry about that. But thank you for the support.

  • Yes, that makes sense. Sorry if it was a silly question. I think it just often feels hopeless and I know a lot of autistic people struggle work at all so I was wondering if there were any specific jobs that are suited to our high sensitivities etc. but I realise each autistic person's struggle is different to the next. I personally struggle a lot with having too many demands/multitasking, and having too much social interactions, but then my mum who is autistic loves socialising so I guess my question was a bit pointless, sorry about that. But thank you for the support.

  • I've been plugging away "at my thing" for 30+ whether people like it or not (and despite the horrendous sacrifices I have made to stick with it [unconsciously])......I know now, that I am blessed now, to enjoy a degree of confidence in my field!

    FYI - Still not confident that I did the RIGHT thing and that now I am in the RIGHT place.......but I am in a place where I feel confident....but not necessarily comfortable  !

  • That makes sense, thank you for sharing. I know what you mean, I have felt most "normal" when people talk to me about something I like or when I have been able to do work that I am skilled at. I'm happy for you you've found something like that. Hope I can one day too

  • It's not a "silly" is a common and reasonable question....just "meaningless" to me, because of how I perceive us autistic people to be - ie UBER varied!!

    I have all manner of problems (very similar to yours,) but I can cope in terms of work.....because.....when I am at work, I can "become" or "become perceived" as something/someone different......because I am doing something that I have a natural competency at... and REALLY enjoy doing.  I'm incredibly social and verbal if we're talking about something I know & do well.  The problems start (for me) if we stray into "normal" social territory.......then, frankly, I can't be arsed and don't function well.

    Like I say......everyone / every situation is different.

    I hope some of the other folk here have been a bit more constructive than me!  I do, most sincerely, wish you VERY well in your hunt.

    Kindest regards


  • I can have days like that but I am lucky to have a job that is mainly admin/process driven.  Bullies are everywhere unfortunately.  Keep coming with the questions.  I am new to this so am mostly reading through answers :)

  • Thank you for saying that. That sounds really hard, I'm glad you've found something that works. I work from home 2 days a week and those days are the easiest ones for me. I would love to find something fully remote but those roles seem competitive, I keep getting rejected. God, phone calls are torturous!! It's so embarrassing when someone calls me on the phone at work because I literally can't get my words out. I usually just send a Teams message saying I can't pick up the phone lol

  • No it isnt a pointless question.  If it wasnt on the group I would have posted it.  Work has always been a struggle for me.  I now work from home and I can concentrate in my own environment.  I do speak to people over the phone and sometimes gets stressful but its best job I have ever had.  I job hopped for a couple of decades due to bullying or unable to cope in certain environments.