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Would you prefer our online community to be an open or closed forum?

Hello online community users,  

We would like to know if you would prefer our online community to be an open or closed forum. 

The online community is currently an open forum. This means people without an online community account can: 

  • browse threads and comments published by members; 
  • search the online community.  

A closed community would not be open to the public and only members would be able to read and search threads.  

*Please log into the online community to vote* 


  • Article 10 of the Human Rights Act protects a right that’s fundamental to our democracy – our freedom of expression is fundamental to our democracy.

    It means we’re free to hold opinions and ideas and to share them with others without the State interfering.

    Liberty and other human rights groups have used Article 10 to challenge the UK Government’s mass surveillance – which scoops up all our correspondence, putting our rights to privacy, free expression and protest and our free press in jeopardy.

    Article 10 also protects your right to communicate and express yourself in any medium – including through words, pictures and actions. It’s often used to defend press freedom and protect journalists’ sources.

    This right covers:

    • Political expression – including peaceful protests and demonstrations
    • Artistic expression
    • Commercial expression – particularly when it also raises matters of legitimate public debate and concern.
    • The right to free expression would be meaningless if it only protected certain types of expression. So Article 10 protects both popular and unpopular expression – including speech that might shock others – subject to certain limitations.
  • These are very serious and valid concerns given what we have learned during Covid - the UK’s online safety laws, digital ID’s and Ireland’s hate speech laws and whether or not these are in breach of Article 10 and indeed the Irish Consitution Bunreacht Na hEireann and proposed referenda to same coming up in Ireland, aside from what else may be coming down the tracks 

  • These are very serious and valid concerns given what we have learned during Covid - the UK’s online safety laws, digital ID’s and Ireland’s hate speech laws and whether or not these are in breach of Article 10 and indeed the Irish Consitution Bunreacht Na hEireann and proposed referenda to same coming up in Ireland, aside from what else may be coming down the tracks 
