I don't like the UK

I don't hate it but I don't like it either. I think this country is boring and pathetic. There is virtually nothing interesting to do in this country and people vote in poliiticians who make our lives wors.e

  • And some peoeple think we'll fix it with a labour government!!

    Did we all forget about Bliars Iraq and Browns Bottom?

  • Agreed.

    It is such a shame because there was great potential. But it's rotting from the inside. Everything is a shambles.

    Incompetent justice system. Health service not fit for purpose. Greedy incompetent government. Bankrupt local councils. Businesses closing every minute of every day. Budget cuts everywhere. Dumb as *** humans everywhere.

    Oh well.

  • The UK could be better. We need better leaders.

  • All to make us American.

  • The few really decent politicians get hounded out by the ones who are into shady things as the decent ones that uphold good standards make the others stand out and they don't like it.  

    People blame the party in power at the time for decisions they don't like but has anyone blamed the opposition parties for letting the party in power get away with things? Is all party parliaments that we have in the UK so it is the collective vote, so one can't blame the party in power as all party politicians played their parts in these votes! People forget that a single party in power is outnumbered by at least 2 or 3 to 1 by their competition parties, and also that the MP's voting in the party in power don't all agree so not all vote for the thing being proposed. 

    Much of the big problem in politics today is the parties are owned by big companies, which influence the things being pushed forward to be voted for. The big companies who own the shares in all major political parties also own the press, so they brainwash the people to get the politiccians or parties they want into power. Before the EU became involved when Blair sold us out,, no political party was on the stock market, so no big shareholding company had any direct sway on the political direction we took.  

    We are recently facing one of the most dangerous situations wd have ever faced. Our last steelworks which is massive, and in Port Talbot in Wales, is closing and it is our ONLY means to independently produce steel if we had a war.

  • I feel sad.I know you are a good person and it it upsets me you have to deal with tthis.

  • Don't worry, we don't like you either Thumbsup

  • What's the alternative though? Most other countries are rightly choosy about who they allow in.

    You usually need experience and/or qualifications in specific profession that's in demand or a guaranteed job offer. Otherwise you'd need to be very rich to meet the requirements for an investment or retirement visa. 

  • people vote in poliiticians who make our lives wors.e

    That's unfortunately just down to the inane Tory demagogue that's been in operation since 2010.

    This farcical nonsense about "the woke mob" and the focus on immigration has been used to cover up the Tory's endless list of incompetences and other failings. The party is disintegrating, which is quite joyful to watch given what they've done to the nation. A fresh start with a new government should lead to improvements, but Labour will inherit a hell of a mess to clear up thanks to these elitists.

    There is virtually nothing interesting to do

    I think this is a bit unfair, it's very difficult to get bored in this day and age. There's plenty to do. I live near Manchester, for example, and there are museums, restaurants, book shops, the theatre, go-karting etc.

    With culture, it's what you make of it really. 

  • We need to return to traditional ways

    This makes zero sense. We've got an ultra-conservative Tory regime deeply embedded in traditional ideologies. Look where that's got us - the country is in a mess because of these hard-right policies.

    Liz Truss became PM, introduced her economic plan, The Daily Mail proudly proclaimed it to be the first truly Conservative economic plan since the mid-1980s, and all was well.

    Oh, wait, no... she almost crashed the entire economy. Go figure.

    Time for a GE and a new government. The Conservative way is a fatuous sham and the party has turned England into an embarrassment on the global stage.

  • Yes, you're both ultra-conservative. And we can all see how devastating that's been under the Tory regime over the last 13 years. They've been horrific. And that's putting mildly. 

    Anything other than total condemnation of the Tories at the present moment for the party's catastrophic failings is an exercise in specious reasoning, futility, and denial. 

  • I think that your views are more in line with my own - Gemma O’ Doherty has talked a lot about this and I agree with her 

  • Having lived in the U.K. (Manchester) for 21 years, I think that in general terms, the situation here in the U.K., including during Covid, is way better than my native Republic of Ireland - after my last visit to extended family in Rural Ireland on an Irish passport in early December 2019, where my Irish passport renewals before Covid were previously (needlessly) made much more difficult by the Irish government when applying from here in the U.K., I was needlessly prevented as an Irish citizen from returning home to my family in Ireland due to much stricter and longer lasting Irish Covid restrictions compared to the U.K., even though I would use SailRail (Train & Ferry) via Holyhead in Wales to travel home to Ireland, rather than the hassle of flying and air travel, yet U.K. travel disruptions aside, my first visit home in August 2022 was horrifying when passing through Dublin - a subsequent visit home in October 2022 was even worse when passing through Dublin and many of the stories that I’d heard in the media here in the U.K. were confirmed and verified by family and friends in Ireland - this is doubly tragic given our Irish history that our politicians in Ireland are so corrupt and are traitors to the Irish people, yet many of our people still don’t see it due to indoctrination and brainwashing and a large part of this is that most people in Ireland have abandoned their Catholic faith, where the concept of the “fighting Irish” has long gone, it has been bred out of us - it has been a truly heartbreaking experience to see our country slowly disintegrate given the long struggles for Irish freedom in past centuries and it has become very obvious since Covid that most young Irish people now face a very bleak future, that not even emigration is a viable option - in past years, we have had a lot of Polish and Eastern European people living in Ireland but they left Ireland because they very quickly saw the encroaching communism happening, even though they briefly supported the Irish truth and patriot movement 

  • Don't hate the player, hate the game.

    The EU nullified us, because we wanted English to be the common global language; they want it to become French, like in the Nineteenth Century.

    Plus, School prepared us for war; as opposed to work. Filling us with irrelevant trivia, rather than teaching us skills. Plus, we were clubbed in with the kids who would buy-and-sell you.

    We need to return to traditional ways. Work Monday to Friday, Recreation Saturday and Worship Sunday. Plus, a free society requires an abundant Middle Class. Hyperinflation will drive us all into poverty.

    And, one more thing, please ditch the TV/Streaming. It reinforces the War mindset.