I don't like the UK

I don't hate it but I don't like it either. I think this country is boring and pathetic. There is virtually nothing interesting to do in this country and people vote in poliiticians who make our lives wors.e

  • It's not the best country in the world but it isn't the worst either. We have the NHS, which has its problems but during a life threatening emergency we can use it without having to pay at the time.

    The biggest problem this country has is the clowns running it! 

  • Compared to the HSE in my native Ireland, I’d be far more likely to trust the NHS here in the U.K., as clearly demonstrated to us during Covid - I’ve lived 21 years in a socially deprived area of Manchester and having travelled over and back across the Irish Sea for many years in that time, I’ve observed how my native Ireland is in terminal decline and it extends way beyond just health services - I’d lived in Dublin for 3 years before I’d moved to the U.K. and heartbreakingly, all the areas of Dublin that I used to know are a shadow of their former selves, as is the Irish village in Rural Ireland where I grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s - as an Irish patriot myself, it’s beyond sickening and heartbreaking to see this happening to my beloved homeland where I still have extended family and friends, even if they are indoctrinated and brainwashed - the most tragic aspect of this is that not even emigration is an option for young Irish people anymore since Covid, where young Irish people already face a very bleak future and even more so with the actual Irish babies of today, if they manage to reach their teens and if they reach childbearing age to have children of their own - Covid has cost us almost an entire generation of young Irish people so I’d rather take my chances here in the U.K. 

  • Gosh that does sound awful. Sorry that's like that over there. The NHS is by no means perfect but it could be worse, the biggest problem in my experience and from what others say about it, is how slow it takes to get appointments etc. But in an emergency once the ambulance gets to you they are usually a big help, and unlike other countries we don't have to pay upfront to be treated and cared for. Like, a few years ago my Grandad had a heart attack and the paramedics got to him and saved his life and then he spent a brief time in hospital. If he'd had to pay he would be dead now as like my family he has very little money. The NHS isn't great but I'm grateful for it. Like a lot of things in this country it's poorly managed by those in charge.

  • Indeed. We could be all worse off. 

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