
I live on my own. 

I'm considering getting a pet. I know that it's a responsibility, but I crave connection. 

Have any of you found getting a pet helpful ?

  • I do have a pet, a spaniel - and I think having a pet is both invaluable, in terms of companionship; and a big commitment. A dog like mine is obs a lot of work - not every pet is, but it's still a commitment, to care for it, interact with it, every day, for its lifetime. 

    Totally worth it, imo, but I'd always say think about what you're getting into, before getting a pet. 

    I didn't get my dog, he was my late mother's, I inherited him when he was still little- and it was challenging! Smile

  • I will consider it all. I'm much more likely to talk myself out of it, because I overthink so much.

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