
I moved into a flat a year ago and it was advertised as a sheltered property, When I moved in I had issues with excess dust from a badly laid floor and then a mould infestation caused by a leaking window seal. It destroyed many of my possessions, including a third of my clothing, They knew I had sensory problems from day one due to Autism. I also have ADHD. I told them noise was a big trigger for me and was assured it was quiet. Soon after, they started doing work in the flat below me which went on for weeks, I already have insomnia, which often means I sleep whenever I can and a lack of sleep makes my symptoms worse. I have depression, so all of it combined has caused my health to plummet, I also have had dangerous plug sockets which burned the plugs when my fire was on. I was told this would be done as a matter of urgency. I am still waiting a year on. My boiler stopped working 8 months ago so I have had no hot water since then. With all this rain I now have mould again. I am so miserable and feel unable to put my case across to them, they seem oblivious to my needs and what my condition means and how it affects me. Even though I told them that I have issues with noise, they moved somebody into the flat below me who is mentally ill and shouldn't be living alone, He has screaming and shouting episodes and bangs constantly, My sleeping is shocking. I am having 2 hours a day some days. I am barely hanging on. Knowing this, they decided to replace all the fire doors and that has meant banging and drilling for several weeks. I need to get out of here because I have PTSD symptoms and I cannot escape the noise to reset, 

I was told social services would help me and that was in August. I am slipping further and further mentally and nobody seems to care,

  • I've been in a similar situation in the past. I tried complaining time after time to the housing association and got nowhere. I ended up moving back in with my parents. I've given up on having my own property until I possibly inherit my parents' house though it might be given to another sibling but I'll be allowed to live here.

    Are there any family members you can live with?

  • I forgot to say actually that both times I had housing association flats both had neighbours I found unbearable. Loud music or shouting or dogs I didn't like.

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