What’s everyone views on the bully xl ban?

Today the day the bully xl ban starts now. I am dead against the ban as I feel it’s not the dog it’s the owner. Also this won’t stop dog attacks and breeders are moving on to bigger dogs now. As a dog owner myself I love my baby I have a 12 year old Dalmatian called Lucy and I see myself as a responsible owner. I have also met some beautiful bully XLs and they were gentle giants the owners were genuine to. What everyone else’s thoughts on this do you agree with what I’m saying or do you agree with the ban? I won’t judge anyone opinion. 

  • Looking at pet dogs as a whole I sometimes wonder it might not be a good thing if we banned them all together a lot of them are horribly inbred and have all kinds of unpleasant medical conditions as a result.

    they are yappy messy creatures that don’t respect personal space. Short of keeping them on the lead at all times there is no way to control them in a public space, not properly, not unless they've maybe had an absurd amount of training to voice commands, which almost none of them have.

    I can see the argument for working dogs, sheep dogs, guide dogs et cetera. But pet dogs? do we really need them? If in order to get a license to own a dog you had to prove you were able to train a dog to the level where it would stay or come or be silent on voice command how many people would actually have dogs?

  • There are plenty of non autistic people who posit similar arguments against autistic people.

  • So? Dogs are not people, they do not have human rights. Autistic people are people they do have human rights. it’s like comparing apples and oranges.

    The question ’should dogs be allowed in public?’ Is more comparable to the question ‘should e scooters be allowed in public?’ than autistic people.

  • So? Dogs are not people, they do not have human rights. Autistic people are people they do have human rights. it’s like comparing apples and oranges.

    The question ’should dogs be allowed in public?’ Is more comparable to the question ‘should e scooters be allowed in public?’ than autistic people.

  • A dog doesn’t have a right to respect for private and family life, a right to avoid prison without judicial process. A dog doesn’t even have a right to life, it can be put down on a whim. The animal welfare act if anything maybe extended the right to avoid Torture to dogs.

  • In 2006 the Animal Welfare Act went some way to giving animals 'rights'.

    But it’s not the same thing of course. If you neuter a dog to prevent inconvenient pregnancies (to you as a caregiver) no one will criticise you for it in fact some people are likely to praise you for it. Try doing it to a human being we’ll have you in the dock in 2.5 seconds.

  • dogs have no rights because they are dogs.

    In 2006 the Animal Welfare Act went some way to giving animals 'rights'.

    Of course it's dependent on those unreliable animals humans to respect and institute it.

    Thank goodness for animal advocates such as the RSPCA and yourself.

    Under 'Defra' you can see the details for each animal.


  • Yes, I do appreciate the point you are making.....we have human rights because we are human...dogs have no rights because they are dogs.

    Perfectly simple when it is stated in such absolutist terms....as with all things.

    I'm broader in my thinking, an advocate of nuance and consideration and thought.  I'll never make it as a populist. Woe is me.

    What's the biggest number?  What's the smallest number?How many numbers are there?

    Kind regards


  • The law says all dogs must be kept under control at all times in public places. (It doesn’t specify leash control versus verbal control but it does require control) autistic people are free individuals they do not need to be controlled, doing so is likely a violation of human rights. Likewise autistic people have not been created through selective breeding, a selective breeding program to create autistic people would likely be a violation of human rights.

    The situation is not comparable