What’s everyone views on the bully xl ban?

Today the day the bully xl ban starts now. I am dead against the ban as I feel it’s not the dog it’s the owner. Also this won’t stop dog attacks and breeders are moving on to bigger dogs now. As a dog owner myself I love my baby I have a 12 year old Dalmatian called Lucy and I see myself as a responsible owner. I have also met some beautiful bully XLs and they were gentle giants the owners were genuine to. What everyone else’s thoughts on this do you agree with what I’m saying or do you agree with the ban? I won’t judge anyone opinion. 

  • Dogs are wolf descendants that have been highly modified by man, both in physical appearance and mentality. Some have been bred to hunt animals and certain types of animals, to carry or drag loads, to herd, to be lap dogs, to retrieve game, to fight bulls, to fight other dogs, to guard flocks or herds, to guard places or as food. While owner training can have a great effect on dog behaviour it can seldom completely override traits that have been selectively bred for. In general, dogs bred for aggression to humans (guard dogs) or dogs or other animals for sport (dogs bred for fighting) are going to be less reliable as to being aggressive than dogs bred for other purposes. Perhaps unexpectedly, dogs bred to hunt (various 'hounds') tend to have low levels of aggression towards people and other dogs.

    I am, therefore, in favour of banning breeds of dog that have been shown to be unusually aggressive to people and other domestic animals.

  • Every dog and every human can have their innate traits "brought to the fore" with training and/or conditioning.

    So breeds that are physically capable, should be exterminated?.....if they are generally big and scary looking?.....irrespective of the individual's behaviours?.....just because they CAN be trained and conditioned to be dangerous?

    Dangerous territory Martin.....I hope AI isn't training itself from this thread....or they will be making some rash decisions about the fate of various groups of humansl?  Should we exterminate humans who cage fight - violent "criminals" etc?

    Human's inexorable selfishness and ignorance of sentience other than themselves is the problem.

    Better the devil's pet you know?  I wonder how many people commenting on this matter have ever met an XL bully or have even met a dog.....on their terms....EVER?

    When I was a lad, Doberman's were the "fearsome" breed.  Then came the rottweiler.  Then came the pit bull.  Then came the XL bully.  Next, will be a Caucasian Shepard "cross" of some description....or something similar.  If you ban ALL the dogs (shudder)....then the humans will simply breed a mutant Shetland / wolf / squirrel / rat "cross" breed........or perhaps we're reaching a DARPA dog epoch?

    So why do so many humans believe that "certain breeds" of dogs are the problem?

    The humans who ACTUALLY know ANYTHING about this topic ALL agree that this ban will be ineffective at changing anything or preventing harms......but it is popular with the masses who know virtually nothing about this topic.....so guess what has happened?.......the wrong thing has been done and most humans are happy......non-humans suffer....nothing will change.....and the cycle will continue - rinse and repeat.  Typical AND symptomatic of the REAL problem regarding "dangerous dogs.".

    [Disambiguation - This rant is not aimed at you personally Martin, but your (surprising) comments did provoke it.....and to save you the agg - I do know that we can't cross breed as stated above - but allow me my own hyperbole to match that of the dog-haters out there!  With respect to you, personally, always.]

  • Every dog and every human can have their innate traits "brought to the fore" with training and/or conditioning.

    So breeds that are physically capable, should be exterminated?.....if they are generally big and scary looking?.....irrespective of the individual's behaviours?.....just because they CAN be trained and conditioned to be dangerous?

    Dangerous territory Martin.....I hope AI isn't training itself from this thread....or they will be making some rash decisions about the fate of various groups of humansl?  Should we exterminate humans who cage fight - violent "criminals" etc?

    Human's inexorable selfishness and ignorance of sentience other than themselves is the problem.

    Better the devil's pet you know?  I wonder how many people commenting on this matter have ever met an XL bully or have even met a dog.....on their terms....EVER?

    When I was a lad, Doberman's were the "fearsome" breed.  Then came the rottweiler.  Then came the pit bull.  Then came the XL bully.  Next, will be a Caucasian Shepard "cross" of some description....or something similar.  If you ban ALL the dogs (shudder)....then the humans will simply breed a mutant Shetland / wolf / squirrel / rat "cross" breed........or perhaps we're reaching a DARPA dog epoch?

    So why do so many humans believe that "certain breeds" of dogs are the problem?

    The humans who ACTUALLY know ANYTHING about this topic ALL agree that this ban will be ineffective at changing anything or preventing harms......but it is popular with the masses who know virtually nothing about this topic.....so guess what has happened?.......the wrong thing has been done and most humans are happy......non-humans suffer....nothing will change.....and the cycle will continue - rinse and repeat.  Typical AND symptomatic of the REAL problem regarding "dangerous dogs.".

    [Disambiguation - This rant is not aimed at you personally Martin, but your (surprising) comments did provoke it.....and to save you the agg - I do know that we can't cross breed as stated above - but allow me my own hyperbole to match that of the dog-haters out there!  With respect to you, personally, always.]

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