Struggling with self-hatred

I feel I've gone nuclear with this over the last few months. I've made lots of mistakes in my life and blown every opportunity I've ever had.

I have had people tell me that it's not actually helping me, but the truth is I almost enjoy it. It's the one thing in my life at the moment I feel I have control over in a way. Also, I am rather used to ending up with egg on my face if I try and be positive, because I don't want to go to that extreme of confusing confidence with cockiness.

However, I'm all too comfortable with going to the other extreme of convincing myself that the world hates me and will always hate me, and that I am a worse person than Hitler. If you asked me why I think that, I would probably be able to rattle off reasons why I believe that to be the case.

Anyone saying "you need to move on" doesn't help. Anyone telling me that they're proud of me or that they believe in me doesn't help either because I don't know if they're being honest or just kind.

It's not been a happy time. There's already been the "who'd miss me when I'm gone" but now it's ramped up to 100.

  • I am a worse person than Hitler

    Yeah, comparing yourself to a far-right, genocidal maniac (and one of the most evil people in history) is overdoing it a tad.

    I've had this self-hatred thing and still struggle with it regularly. The older I've got, the easier it is to manage. Although I can have plunges back into it. Frankly, I'd say a sense of humility is important. Not viewing yourself as the most important person in the world is a very positive magnanimous trait and one the world needs more of. Especially in the face of such relentless, mindless individualism and capitalist greed.

    Why not get some more control in your life over certain things?

    Are you creative? Start a blog or a podcast. That way you have total creative control over it and it's your project. That can help build your self-confidence. Ultimately, just aim to force that nagging voice of self-doubt from your mind and focus on your strengths.

    Only you can do that. But it's worth noting if you go around wallowing in self-pity, people's patience will wear out over time and you become an annoyance. Find the inner strength and determination to push through to greater things.

  • Ultimately, just aim to force that nagging voice of self-doubt from your mind and focus on your strengths.

    Only you can do that. But it's worth noting if you go around wallowing in self-pity, people's patience will wear out over time and you become an annoyance. Find the inner strength and determination to push through to greater things.

    Thanks for this!


  • Ultimately, just aim to force that nagging voice of self-doubt from your mind and focus on your strengths.

    Only you can do that. But it's worth noting if you go around wallowing in self-pity, people's patience will wear out over time and you become an annoyance. Find the inner strength and determination to push through to greater things.

    Thanks for this!


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