Declined an assessment...

Hey guys!

I find myself here again looking for advice.

I was referred for an Ausmtism assessment back in July, was sent some forms in August... and finally heard back a few days ago saying that, although I'm "clearly struggling in some areas, [they] don't think I need an assessment at this time." Despite having sent a whole other document full of traits, that I feel point towards me being Autistic, as I couldn't fit everything on the form. Apparently my form didn't show *enough* traits...

I feel quite downhearted, and like I've been completely dismissed. I've don't a lot of reading up about Autism over this year, and I don't think I'm wrong in this.. too much of my life experiences now make sense under this lens for me to want to just let it go...

I have put in for a 2nd opinion, but my appointment isn't until mid January...

I've never had to do this before...

And I'm worried that it'll just get me nowhere again, though I'm gonna keep trying... the message my doctor sent when suggesting a 2nd opinion said about maybe looking privately... would they refer me for such for free, or do I have to pay in that case?

Has anyone else been through similar?

What did you do in the end?

  • What are the traits that you have? What forms did you fill in?

    Like others have said, there is a massive increase in adult diagnoses occurring and with the system being under strain, they may be trying to discourage diagnosis if it stops waiting lists getting bigger. That may be an unfair accusation, but let's face it, the NHS is imploding. I've had to fight for months to get very basic scans for genuine physical medical issues which cause me daily agony, when in other countries such a scan would occur within a week.

    The pre-assessment for an autism diagnosis is typically not done by a doctor or qualified psychologist, it's usually a nurse. But they'll have usually done it a lot of times before, their job is to weed out the obvious non-cases, and put through anyone who could be autistic to an actual assessment.

    Even if not autistic, if you have troubles and "struggling in some areas", they should be explained/diagnosed, and you provided with the help you need, but we don't have a real mental healthcare system in the UK. They usually wait for people to reach breaking point and then find a way to get you out of the system ASAP.

  • What are the traits that you have? What forms did you fill in?

    Like others have said, there is a massive increase in adult diagnoses occurring and with the system being under strain, they may be trying to discourage diagnosis if it stops waiting lists getting bigger. That may be an unfair accusation, but let's face it, the NHS is imploding. I've had to fight for months to get very basic scans for genuine physical medical issues which cause me daily agony, when in other countries such a scan would occur within a week.

    The pre-assessment for an autism diagnosis is typically not done by a doctor or qualified psychologist, it's usually a nurse. But they'll have usually done it a lot of times before, their job is to weed out the obvious non-cases, and put through anyone who could be autistic to an actual assessment.

    Even if not autistic, if you have troubles and "struggling in some areas", they should be explained/diagnosed, and you provided with the help you need, but we don't have a real mental healthcare system in the UK. They usually wait for people to reach breaking point and then find a way to get you out of the system ASAP.

  • On the main form itself, it was asking mostly about struggles with socialising/communications, and sensory troubles, plus ofc family history and stuff. So I explained how I've always atruggled to fit in, often was bullied because I didn't, difficulty making and maintaining friendships. Struggling with small talk, difficulty with eye contact (I can make it, but I have to force it), delays in processing what I'm being told, trouble with figuring out my turn to speak in a conversation.

    Sensory overload related to sound and fabrics, struggling with food textures, meltdowns and how they affect my mental health, etc. Stress when routines change if I'm not wanted and allowed time to get my head around it...

    And because a lot didn't fit anywhere, I also sent a document detailing more of my traits, as well as a lot of things that are repetitive behaviours and such. Difficulties with proprioception, as well. 

    They're what I have off the top of my head anyways.

    The forms I filled in was the Empathy quotient one, and one asking questions about my history, experiences, struggles, etc.