Where is your life heading?

I'm not sure where mine is going. I always give up on my hopes and dreams. Would you say you've enjoyed your life so far? What was the best part so far? Where is yours heading? What do you see ahead of you? I'm curious more than anything and hoping that my spark will come back.

  • Nice to meet you too.  Great name btw.

  • Well put and yes me too. The journey has many twists and turns but it's a fun adventure all the same.

    Nice to meet you Number.

  • Thank you.....I'm in no hurry though.....I enjoy a good journey just as much, if not more, than a destination.

  • I hope when you reach your sunset it's everything you had hoped for. 

  • I'm heading for the sunset on the horizon. Blush 

  • My experiences of being out in the bigger world and trying to fit in would probably make good comedy material from a distance, objectively. From my point of view I wasn't laughing at the time, subjectively (it was horrendous for me). I hope to gradually find some middle way / compromise in the whole thing Slight smile

  • But saying that - I feel like so much of how mental health professionals talk about autism / ADHD is focussed on finding ways for us to fit into neurotypical systems - I don't like that. I strive to live in my own way - but I'm always jutting up against the edge of the grey world.

  • I could never hold down a job. When I was 36 I became self employed and it has been so much easier. When Im burnt out or depressed or whatever - I don't have to work - I don't have to answer to anyone - I'm not earning during those periods - I'm not saying it's easy - but for me self employment is the only way I am able to work. 

    I also found out recently about the access to work scheme - you can get support - equipment - possibly even grants - to help you into - or stay in work. 

    I've just applied for it myself. 

  • My life is going ok. I'm surviving and interested to see what's going to happen in the future. I try to have a simple, fun life filled with pleasure. I never understood trying to be "somebody" or "make a difference". We are a spec of nothing in an instant of time so I try to make the most of the now and enjoy it.

    We all have our issues, some of us have it worse than others but we all suffer in a way or another and face challenges. I wish the best of luck to all that are going through hard times, just hang in there.

  • I've been thinking about volunteering a bit more lately, what kinds of volunteering have you tried and enjoyed so far?

  • I'm not sure where I'm heading, hopefully it's somewhere good.

  • I don't know, there's just been a change, in that I've started working again, but I don't know if that will take me forward in some ways, or just end up being an interlude between periods of less activity. 

    I'm not sure whether I'll ever move away from where I live, as it's my childhood home and suits me in many ways. It occurs to me that my life won't take me anywhere, that  I'll live here, with my dog for company, for all my days.

    I have been out, in the bigger world, and it's not for me. 

  • My life is heading wherever it takes me.

    When I was younger, I had hopes and dreams. Some I achieved, and some I didn't. 

    With age, I have adopted a rather cynical (some may say pessimistic) outlook on life. As a result, I try to keep my expectations low and not build my hopes up too much. To date, I feel my life has been a combination of highs and lows.

    Right now, the only things I see ahead of me are more aches and pains, and more laughter lines deeply etched upon my face.

  • IF you ever open your shop give me a P.M. I may be able to source you some interesting stock, on an S.O.R. basis.

  • Keep the Vision.
    You WILL do it.

  • I've been collecting antiques for some time. I'm interested in everything that's old to be honest. I want to have my own shop one day. If I can keep control of my anxiety.

  • I know what you mean, like the Talking Heads song Road to Nowhere youtu.be/LQiOA7euaYA Upside down

  • I find my self floating down a curiously aromatic and brown creek in a leaky coracle, wondering how good amazons chandlery delivery service is, and how quickly my daughters prime account can be leveraged to get me a paddle.

    More worryingly the current seems to be taking me towards a vortex inside of a huge white structure, and way up in front I can read the words "Royal Doulton"..