Dyscalculia and excuse

When I told some people that I have severe Dyscalculia and that I don't know how to do most basic math and that I don't know how to do Calculus even, some of them think that I am using that as an excuse for not being good at math. I had failed math most of my school years and it's not just me being only bad at math, and I still don't know how to do most basic math as a 22 year old and that is not normal. I tried explaining that to them, but they didn't listen.

Some people think that everyone can learn math, the question is if they understand that when you reach a limit before Dyscalculia manifests.

  • When I had a learning difficulties assessment I was told I don't have discalculia, but I relate to most things said on this thread. When I think about numbers it's like running smack bang into a previously invisable wall, I too have no images that relate to numbers, just a grey flat concrete wall that I can't see around or over. I can do somethings, I know if the change I've been given is right and I can do some mental arithmatic, but not a lot else. Somone mentioned calculus, I don't even know what that is, along with so many terms it never came up at school where the general attitude was, 'you're a girl, you'll have a husband to do all this for you'. I think many people struggle to understand how one can be autistic and not good at maths and tech, it's a double whammy as you're challenged by both typicals and A-typicals. Sadly it is normal not to be able to do basic maths, there's loads of people who really struggle, I think it's as much the way we teach maths as anything else and that people dont' understand that my immediate question when told 2+2=4, is why? This causes frustration for all, I feel that if I understood why, the rest of it would fall into place.

  • When I had a learning difficulties assessment I was told I don't have discalculia, but I relate to most things said on this thread. When I think about numbers it's like running smack bang into a previously invisable wall, I too have no images that relate to numbers, just a grey flat concrete wall that I can't see around or over. I can do somethings, I know if the change I've been given is right and I can do some mental arithmatic, but not a lot else. Somone mentioned calculus, I don't even know what that is, along with so many terms it never came up at school where the general attitude was, 'you're a girl, you'll have a husband to do all this for you'. I think many people struggle to understand how one can be autistic and not good at maths and tech, it's a double whammy as you're challenged by both typicals and A-typicals. Sadly it is normal not to be able to do basic maths, there's loads of people who really struggle, I think it's as much the way we teach maths as anything else and that people dont' understand that my immediate question when told 2+2=4, is why? This causes frustration for all, I feel that if I understood why, the rest of it would fall into place.

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