Dyscalculia and excuse

When I told some people that I have severe Dyscalculia and that I don't know how to do most basic math and that I don't know how to do Calculus even, some of them think that I am using that as an excuse for not being good at math. I had failed math most of my school years and it's not just me being only bad at math, and I still don't know how to do most basic math as a 22 year old and that is not normal. I tried explaining that to them, but they didn't listen.

Some people think that everyone can learn math, the question is if they understand that when you reach a limit before Dyscalculia manifests.

  • I have essentially zero ability at mental arithmetic, I never know if the change I have been given is correct. However, if given a pencil and paper, my maths ability, if not outstanding, is quite adequate. Adequate enough to support a career in scientific research at least. I think I must have a very specific form of dyscalculia.

  • Hi Martin my brother has autism and learning difficulties it has never been diagnosed with dyscalculia. He has no understanding of money values, change given etc? I’ve recently come into supporting him after we lost our parents and I wonder if you struggle with money if you are any coping strategies you use to help you day to day? 

  • Hi Martin my brother has autism and learning difficulties it has never been diagnosed with dyscalculia. He has no understanding of money values, change given etc? I’ve recently come into supporting him after we lost our parents and I wonder if you struggle with money if you are any coping strategies you use to help you day to day? 

  • I don't have problems with maths outside of mental arithmetic. I cannot create a mental image of numerals and arrange them to perform adding and subtracting, they just seem to float about and disperse. If forced to do mental arithmetic, I group numbers into tens then count the left over numbers like they are dots on dice. It is a very inefficient method. If I have access to pen and paper I'm OK. I don't really have problems with money in the form of bank balances, interest levels, mortgage repayments, knowing the value of purchases, or even making investments.