No...we won't be doing reasonable adjustment

Following a third grievance for failure to provide a reasonable adjustment (necessary information given late, inaccurately, or not at all) my work have said they're just not going to bother anymore.

They've admitted their complete failure to provide a very basic adjustment, of zero cost, and basically said: "What are you going to do about it?"

It's not that they can't provide the reasonable adjustment, it's just not something they want to do. It would set a precedent of actually giving support.

That's alongside a couple of upheld grievances regarding management using discriminatory language about me, plus another upheld grievance for a different failure of reasonable adjustment.

Insulting settlement rejected. ACAS involved. Tribunal likely.

Parents Reply Children
  • That's better than nothing. It's a shame though. If you had a legal advisor privy to every detail you could really off load the mental effort to them and just sign things as needed. I'm told direct acess baristers are quite good because they can do all the advising and speaking for you, you just have to fill out your ownforms.