Library of threads

I was thinking about all the threads I’ve made since I’ve been present on this forum (too many) and all the ones I’ve enjoyed and unless someone brings them back up they are lost forever.

These might be enjoyed especially by new members.

Hence, I’m starting a library of threads.

I will start with my own and please add any you have enjoyed.

These are mainly from memory, as I can’t find a place on the forum that just lists threads:

News/current affairs:

What novel/film would you like to live in and why:

PMs + friendship requests:

What are you wearing right now?

Old proverbial ‘sayings’:

Vaccines/learning disabilities: eligibility:

Forum creative space:

There are more to come but I want to see if this pastes OK or if I get send into Coventry by the spamometer.

  • Good idea imo Thumbsup Since I started on here earlier this year I've been interested to try and go back through the thread history. I'm glad there's an option for zooming straight back to the beginning of this forum over 13 years ago. I've worked my way backwards a bit and I think it's an interesting record but I haven't gone very far so far Upside down

  • Since I started on here earlier this year I've been interested to try and go back through the thread history. I'm glad there's an option for zooming straight back to the beginning of this forum over 13 years ago.

    If you were able to email the mods re this that would be great.

    I have and I know that another person has but really as many as possible would be good - I wouldn't rely on them reading these threads and it making any difference.

    I don't know anyway whether the new forum's policy of only having threads up to 3 years old is 'set in stone'.

    It may be that we can't influence the decision but at least they will know that there are those who object.

  • I hope they will reconsider the 3 yrs deletion. I think old threads are beneficial, even if your library thread were 5 years old it will be useful for new and old members to use.

    I emailed but no response as of yet. I'm hoping they will at least consider it.

  • Yeah they are only volunteers so I expect they had Xmas off, saw that Ross Mod is back today but not sure if the community manager will be. Hope we both will hear back soon.

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