Couldn't even do the tasks

One of them was the demonstrating of brushing teeth, and also making up a story with 5 objects, and making up a story on a story book. I couldn't even do these tasks. Plus I couldn't even express how I feel when I am happy and sad internally. Is this gonna cause my assessment to be inconclusive? 

  • Mine was supposed to be a 90 minute ADOS assessment which was over in an hour. Plus my parent has to now attend a 3 hour appointment to discuss my childhood.

  • I suppose some people might lie or be mistaken about their traits, hence they need to observe them.

  • Either we are in different countries or there are wildly different kinds of autism assessments out there!

    Mine consisted of 72 pages of forms to fill in, 40-ish pages of forms for someone close to me to fill in, followed by a 1.5hr face to face interview. It was through the NHS. 

    Love to hear more about this unusual sounding process! 

  • I think these tests were designed for the assessment of small children and the NHS has not recognised that small children and adults are different. Adults can give accurate information on their traits, problems and limitations, there is almost zero need for tests of this sort.

  • I said a few words and ended up refusing afterwards to even try. 

  • I didn’t have them either. I would have flat out refused to participate. 

  • I think you had an uber-autistic reaction to the tasks. I'm hugely relieved that I did not have to do any of these 'pantomime' tasks, because I mask like a professional and would have appeared entirely neurotypical.

  • Luckily I didn't have the story telling task - I think that I would have really struggled.
    I did have the teeth brushing (it was the last task for my assessment) and that did challenge me.
    I mean, brushing your teeth....where do you even start and how much detail do you go into?
    Should I mention that I am the only member of the family who uses an electric toothbrush? (I did mention it).
    Should I mention that I use a different toothpaste than the rest of the family? (I did say that).

    I really wouldn't worry too much about the tasks that you did. The are done and dusted now.

    IMHO, it sounds like your inability to perform the tasks would have been an excellent indicator to the person assessing you.

  • You can’t mess anything up. Some of those tasks are for observation more than anything else. I wouldn’t worry about anything being inconclusive.

  • I completely messed up the story task too and cannot identify my own emotions. If anything these supported a positive diagnosis. I don’t think you should worry about it.