Inefficiency at work

Just wanted to know how many of those in work get really frustrated by inefficient work systems. I know it must frustrate everyone but it seems I can get way more annoyed by it than anyone else sometimes to a point where I can't work in that particular job because I know the inefficient system won't change. I just sit there thinking this whole thing is such a waste of time and effort and resources . I don't know I just find it so unbearable and wondered whether other felt the same.

  • You sound like an absolute asset to your role and I’m sure your employer is grateful for such passion and attention to detail

  • Thanks!  It's tricky, I've had to work hard to not been seen as too challenging/negative/pedantic or a pain.  I can massively overthink how to approach something, but once people know me they generally recognise that I'm just trying to do the right thing.  Wasn't until my diagnosis that I came to realise that how I communicate and can be misunderstood is to do with how my brain is wired.

  • You sound like a fantastic employee Joe

  • Definitely, I will try and suggest improvements, but sometimes get met with "but we've always done it that way". Strange in a way around the whole change situation, but I can't bear to see something which doesn't make sense or isn't logical to me and can't figure how people don't think about what they're doing.  Fortunately, we are encouraged to do continual improvement, it just takes so long to get things changed!

    My main annoyance though is people not taking responsibility or ownership, so I end up with a shed load on my list/plate that really aren't to do with me but I can't just ignore things once I've noticed it's wrong or been told about it.  I have to do something about it or find another owner for it.  I sometimes wonder if people tell me about things so I'll do that!

  • Oh I know, I can’t cope with life admin I just need a person to help me, I don’t understand how to navigate all the tech! Takes me forever to try and sort the simplest of things and just leaves me feeling inadequate, that’s like a job in itself! 

  • Yes things like this use to drive me mad when I was working.

    It's not just inefficient systems but also the staff that are allowed to be so inefficient. When I had the misfortune to have to work in open plan offices some colleagues would just sit around chatting about their social life all day every day. I have no idea how they ever got any work done.

    I used to complain endlessly to my managers that the constant chat was preventing me from getting my work done. However I was seen as the problem and told "nobody else is complaining". They seemed happy to pay these people for chatting about their social life Confused

    Now I no longer work but life seems to be one constant battle with life admin problems and non existent customer service, trying to sort these problems out. There are so many preventable mistakes, inaccurate information given and communications are littered with grammatical and spelling errors.

    Why do so many autistic people find it so hard to find work? We tend to focus and take pride in our work, have good attention to detail, respect and follow rules etc. You'd think all those things would be attractive to employers but the employment statistics suggest otherwise.

    Employers would seemingly rather have people who can talk the talk at interview and demonstrate they are 'team players' and 'good communicators'. However once in the job they are either incompetent or just don't care Unamused

  • It is tiring you are right 

  • I am just the same. 
    I spend my whole life at work complaining, feeling extremely frustrated and reporting things to managers.

    I cannot understand how when there are systems in place people do not follow them and there are no consequences for those that don’t, or the systems that are in place are not affective and inefficient. I get sooo worked up about this and it massively impacts me. 

    I then worry constantly that I’m telling on other people or always complaining or getting frustrated and then get in the cycle of thinking everyone there must hate me. I find it exhausting! 

  • It depends on the job. I like my job I do but get frustrated at some aspects which are not the main reason i do this job.. Inefficiencies also keep people in jobs. If systems were more efficient you might need a smaller work force. I've learned to play the game as I enjoy the main aspect of my job.

  • Yep we have the same employer- thought as much- not a chance of little old me being listened to for change, just responded with nepotism and change of ward haha! 

  • Me too! I sometimes feel like I have to remind myself I'm doing the right thing because you feel against it sometimes.

  • I'm generalising of course there's some receptive people and teams etc but often feels like the exception rather than the rule

  • I can’t relate to tech systems sorry I can barely use my own microwave, im hands on in my job

  • Yeah often it's ignored, not listened to or your seen as disruptive. Can't upset the status quo in the NHS god forbid (sarcasm)

  • I’m really pleased to hear your employer accepts and more importantly acts on feedback

  • I too see a lot of inefficiencies in my work but the good thing about it is that they encourage feedback so we're always iterating on the systems we have, and building them be better, slicker, more efficient. 

    Perhaps try giving your feedback to a manager, or if they aren't responsive, speak directly to whoever is building the systems (eg, your tech team) who might be willing to work on smoothing things out. 

  • Oh wow really! I definitely understand then! Yes I’ve always battled, sometimes it’s appreciated and respected,sometimes I’m just causing people more work and they try and sift me out because they know I always fight for what’s just and expose their incompetence/ laziness

  • I'm in healthcare too! Sometimes I find it impossible.

  • Yes I’m the same, im always ‘opening a can of worms’ (one supervisors phrase), can’t keep my mouth shut but I have always worked in healthcare so literally could not have that on my conscience and everyone is someone’s loved one, I’m like that in general ‘too’ caring! 

  • Haha totally get this. I get that we all have off days and all make mistakes but sometimes you can just see it glaring that someone isn't doing their job. The high morals as well I just could never do any job where I have to be immoral or I'm forced to be. I've had to do this sometimes in jobs because of pressures or unspoken rules and I've either complained and became 'a trouble maker' or I've had to leave. I hate any form of dishonesty in my work and I struggle when I can see people happily just been complicit.