
The kids playing out around here can't do so without making the most hideous din, it's one long continuous stream of shouting, screeching (literally) and grunting like gorillas. I'm not talking toddlers either, anything up to like fourteen or more??

Yesterday I hear another noise added to it, turns out one of these kids has acquired a WHISTLE! (god help us) It was constant for hours last night and again this morning. My head is mashed. It's been like getting tasered in the head. Defo need to get my headphones on.

When I was a kid, that kind of racket was totally off-limits, you'd have got a hiding. I was pretty much silent anyway, I don't understand why kids now seem to have no restraint whatsoever...

  • I use noise canceling headphones, sometimes ALL day. The sound that most drives me to distraction is the leaf blower, along with the smell of gas and exhaust. I have not lived around children very often, other then as a child, by design. The ones of my youth were very noisy, indeed.  I just stayed away till it came time to turn the tv on and they all fell more or less silent. I lived my days and afternoons out in the middle of nowhere alone with the animals and pants. I walked the cow paths and foot paths, the roads and the stream beds. That was heaven and no one even noticed I was gone. In Hawaii the children are, overall, very sensitive and solicitous towards older people, very different from anywhere else I have ever lived. Iy is a very precious culture.

  • Yes, the dreaded leaf blower is awful, the strimmers are even worse. You get a fine day here and two dozen people are all mowing and/or strimming at the same time! (disgusting) all with petrol driven mowers/strimmers so the stink is an abomination too

  • oh yea, and the little trucks that idle outside for ever. Most maintenance noise puts me on edge.

    But.. I can close the windows, doors etal and put on those magic headphones.

    I used to use ear putty before they existed (headphones that is).

  • It's actually very comfortable. One shapes the putty into a fat oblong shape. This goes around the outside of ear opening, pressed around and shaped to seal off the noise. Never inside the ear. The only good ones are silicon which is very nice on the skin. I still use them for sleeping.

  • Ear putty sounds painful...

Reply Children
  • It's actually very comfortable. One shapes the putty into a fat oblong shape. This goes around the outside of ear opening, pressed around and shaped to seal off the noise. Never inside the ear. The only good ones are silicon which is very nice on the skin. I still use them for sleeping.