Struggling to get going

It’s been a while since I last posted or joined in on any discussions on here, which I guess sort of links to this post in itself really.

I’m finding I have a significant lack of motivation at the minute. In fact it might not be that at all. Im struggling to begin basic tasks and start any activity that I usually get done or enjoy doing. Im not really sure how best to describe it, but I’m sort of just stuck in a bit of a loop of knowing I need to do some things, but struggling to get going with them. 

To my knowledge I am happy (I use the phrase ‘to my knowledge due to alexithymia and the difficulties this can entail), so I’m wondering what this phase Im going through is really.

Any help/advice/thoughts will all be appreciated. 

  • Hi Oakling,  it's nice to see you back. I don't have much to add but I'm feeling a similar sense of stuckness with tasks and life in general. I really need external momentum to get going. I have this some days but others I just feel vacant in the head. I feel happy too but am emerging from a period similar to burnout but with different reasons behind it. Im trying to be kind to myself but it can get frustrating. Now i feel i can be getting on with things a bit more but dont know how or where to start. I need a kick up the *** but it wont come from myself. Sorry I have no solutions!

  • Hi out_of_step. It’s nice to hear from you- thanks for your reply. It’s good to know that I’m not alone in this, although not good to learn that you are impacted by something similar. Perhaps this is another example of the shared experiences many of us tend to have. I too am working on being kinder to myself, but I do have moments of frustration too. As always, it’s nice to hear your thoughts, so definitely no apologies needed!

  • Hi out_of_step. It’s nice to hear from you- thanks for your reply. It’s good to know that I’m not alone in this, although not good to learn that you are impacted by something similar. Perhaps this is another example of the shared experiences many of us tend to have. I too am working on being kinder to myself, but I do have moments of frustration too. As always, it’s nice to hear your thoughts, so definitely no apologies needed!

  • I do wonder if, I was left completely to my own devices,  time frame etc that things would get done more because there'd be no pressure. Either that or I'd be a hollow blob staring into space for all eternity.

    If you fancy a long read, I found this very insightful indeed - 

    “No Way Out Except From External Intervention”: First-Hand Accounts of Autistic Inertia