Autistic Burnout... how do you cope?

Hi everyone!

I want to talk about Autistic Burnout. I have been dealing with Autistic Burnout at different stages of my life, but I've hit a dead end with it and I think advice from others that have had a similar expereince could help me to better regulate my emotions.

I work full-time 42 hours a week. The only way I can earn enough to pay for my home, my car, my family, etc, is through full-time work. As an adult with responsibilities, I can't just "switch off" when I come home, there are chores to do, meals to cook, the dog to walk (FYI I love my dog, its just after an exhausting day of work I sometimes just have no energy). Its become so much that I've been off work for nearly a week on sick leave just so I don't completely lose my marbles (thanks brain).

I can't keep doing this otherwise I'm going to lose my job, which will affect all that I've listed above. 

I've been to my doctor and I'm now on medication for anxiety and depression. Hopefully this will help me through my anxious and depressed times. However, I know full well that medication isn't the fix to my autistic burnout. I've been in touch with a number of autism charities in my local area and have appointments booked with them, so I'm making a start, but I would like to know how any of you copes with autism burnout.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I know its long winded, but I feel talking to others that go through the same "turbulence" may help myself and others to understand themselves more. Thanks again!

  • Hello,

    Sorry you’re feeling this way. It’s a horrible horrible place to be in. 

    I have been in what my therapist called ‘autistic burnout’ for weeks. She kept telling me I needed to take time off work, focus on myself, but would I listen!?

    im now off work as been forced too as have physical symptom of being run down going - shingles, infection,  mouth full of ulcers etc. I am sleeping about 18 hours a day as I physically cannot manage anything else. I can’t even shower at the moment on my own as it’s too much. I’m a mess as all my normal routines and structures that keep me safe i now can’t do and in a really bad place. 

    oh how in hindsight I didn’t listen to her and just take time off and do what I needed to do before I reached this point! I’m so angry with myself. 

    im not telling you this to scare you, but the fact that you have insight and recognising that you’re reaching burnout is really important. Please try and put changes in places now. Whether that’s taking some time off, hiring a dog walker short term, setting up a chore rota so everyone is doing more or living off ready meals for a few weeks. Just something to take the pressure off. You’re doing the right thing by talking to your doctor. Have you got an autism therapist locally that you could get in touch with? 

    look after yourself :) 

  • Thank you for your message Sloan.

    I've gotta be better to myself, its just finding good ground so I don't lose my job (my only income), but keep on top of my self-care.

    I'll be speaking to some local autism charities this week so I hope they can give me some further advice on my particular circumstances.

    Thanks again for the message!

  • Thank you for your message Sloan.

    I've gotta be better to myself, its just finding good ground so I don't lose my job (my only income), but keep on top of my self-care.

    I'll be speaking to some local autism charities this week so I hope they can give me some further advice on my particular circumstances.

    Thanks again for the message!

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