ASD And the Paronormal. DO you believe UFO'S are real ? Serious Question.

Over the last 18 Months to Two years, sightings have increased, and video evidence, even by the Governments have been disclosed.
Before you " Scoff " at the idea let me ask you a question.....Is there proof of life in outer-space ? 
No ?
Then how can i post this comment if life in Space doe's not exist ?
It does.
I do not believe they come from other planets, i think they are Time Travellers.
Yeah, i hear ya, old Def Leepard has lost the plot.....But....
Imagine in the future, hundreds of years when Kids are at School.
In my Day, we got a coach to London Zoo for a Day trip, but way in the Future maybe Technology involves getting in a " ufo thingy "
and ACTUALLY going back in time to actually witness the past.
If i could go back to Victorian Times and show them a mobile phone, they would think " What the hell is that " ?
Well, isn't that EXACTLY what we do when we see weird, colourful, shape shifting objects in our Skies ?
We presume our PRESENT is our time, but maybe not in the future which we CANNOT comprehend.
If i had a Time machine i would go back in  time and tell Jack the Ripper to cut it out ( No pun intended ).
My point is this.... If Time travel ever becomes possible, then we will see evidence of it NOW.
Strange how every Natural disaster on Earth has been Documented with UFO sightings ( Fact )
Maybe Kids in the future Don't study books in History Lessons, maybe they just pop on a craft and go back and witness it first hand.
Yes, OUR future is NOW, but that does not mean " Future" future is not in existence.
Just ask Doc Brown from Back to the Future for further information.  ( If you can find what year He is living in )
My point is...UFO'S are REAL. 
70's  to Present Day... The cattle Mutilations over the World.
Surgical precision cuts not even possible with a Modern Day Laser ( Light amplification by stimulation by emmited Radiation )
I reccomend the Book " Stalking the Heard " to chill your bones.
This IS real.
SOMETHING is in the pipe-line.
Think i'm weird ?
Fair enough, but it does not make me wrong.
They ARE here, and we need to be worried WHY ?

  • Aliens definitely exist, but there's no chance in hell that they are close enough in the whole expanse of the universe to be anywhere near us. UFO sightings, like a lot of the paranormal, have other explanations, even if we don't know them. It's the whole "God of the gaps issue".

  • I did some pilot training once with a view to getting a commercial licence. I di aptitude assessment, got a class 1 medical, but could not float a loan for the whole course, so did as much of the "improver" route until I ran out of money.

    The point beiing, I know that pilots are selected for character, health both physical and mental, lack of humour etc. and more importantly continually assessed. So events like the germanwings crash are mercifully rare. 

    When a commercial pilot reports a UFO, it's WAY more credible than when you or I do it, because it'll trigger an investigation into him, and maybe mark him as "flakey" or "unprofessional" which is a direct threat to his livelihood.

    Consequently such reports are both rare, and also in the case of the poor first officer on concorde asking base to tell him what he should do about the metallic sphere doing loops around the aeroplane at mach 2 quite compelling reading...

    I've had three first hand descriptions of  UFO sightings, and a mates wide angle shot of Kings Heath, seems to include some quite anomalous looking lights in the sky.

    I'll be honest, the pilots and police evidence I have read, seems to describe phenomena that defy the "laws of physics" as we understand them and twenty years ago I went looking to extend my knowledge and understanding of physics to see if there was a way that the physics could allow for a thirty tonne craft (according to calculations done on the depressions left behind after an alledged landing) to accellerate as reported.  

    The answer (if you were wondering) seems to involve harnessing the inner nuclear forces in a more elegant and controlled manner than we do. 

    The real question is: Is the TR3B real??

  • And even at a slow pace and starting so far away, those civilisations should have got here by now, either in the flesh or in unmanned advanced parties. It's been a really long time. 

    Well our planet is over 4 billion years old and we as a species are technologically advanced on earth with cars, phones, planes, etc but in space we've had people on the moon but not yet able to get people to other planets. Will that happen in our lifetime? Maybe but maybe not.

    It has been a long time and if there's other life out there across the universe then it could be they are in the exact same situation. Maybe they ponder the same, is there life out there?

    It's a fascinating thought, sad though that in my lifetime I'll likely never know for sure.

    Or the flip side of the coin is that they are already here... Maybe they've been here for centuries? Maybe they're in space studying our planet and they can't be seen or detected by us...

    It truly is fascinating and one of the greatest wonders, one we may never know.

  • But there are so many planets that could have created life, the odds that none of them produced a spacegoing civilisation is tiny. And even at a slow pace and starting so far away, those civilisations should have got here by now, either in the flesh or in unmanned advanced parties. It's been a really long time. 

    I find both arguments in my post equally compelling but obviously entirely contradictory, unless there's something that would make space travel at such distances completely impossible that we have no awareness of. 

    I haven't even the slightest inkling in which direction the truth is.

  • Because I find it easy to hide in plain sight......I presume that others (more capable than I) can do the same - only MUCH better.  If "seeing is believing" then I don't see the point in believing !?  I can't see many things that I know are someone clever once said, split open a piece of wood, and you will find me there !

  • The vastness of space means there is a very good possibility that we never find life. Entire civilizations could have grown, thrived, gone extinct etc long before or after our blip in time.

    A lot of people assume another race like ours will be futuristic and advanced, chances are they aren't. They could be less advanced than us and so far away that the Earth and our existence will be long gone before anyone else could reach us.

    There's endless possibilities regarding alien life. My theory is they aren't advanced enough to travel or if they are, they are billions of miles away.

    Who knows...

  • I read a breakdown of how many planets there are in the vaguely known universe and how many could possibly harbour life (it's a lot) and I was sure there must be a bunch of alien peoples out there. 

    Then I read how many of those planets are hundreds of millions of years older than ours, so unless space travel is basically impossible someone should've swarmed over the galaxy while we were still in the ooze. 

    So where are they? 

  • That's all cool.  Thanks for taking the time.  It's nice to be able to ask these sorts of "please clarify" questions amongst ourselves....and then being given a good clarification.  I love autistic people !!

  • Hi Number

    I am sorry for not being clear

    It was a statement of support.

    It was a sort of joke combining  entropy and the star wars movie empire strikes back. to describe the cyclical rise and fall of civilizations, when you said...

    "People these days are way too certain about what they perceive as "their reality."  People shut-down and dismiss the panoply of evidence and records from our ancestors from all over the face of our planet, stretching back millennia, that describe and intimate (or simply record) things that we don't now simply don't understand"

    I was sort of adding to it. "The strikes again" eludes to the "Rude awakening" but stating that if true this wouldn't be the first time civilization has eroded. 

    Thanks for questioning me because I would have thought that everyone understands me otherwise. 

  • Hello Inkcurcuit.....I'm not sure that I your post a riposte, a retort or a statement of support?

    Forgive my ignorance.....I would be grateful to understand - can you express this another way for me please?

  • That's a good quote.  It is purported to have been said by our late queen to Paul Burrell - warning him to be careful what he "messed" with.

  • The Entropy strikes back

  • I keep an open mind.

    Life on earth is the example, that life is possible in this universe and the unimaginable scale of space and the entire universe makes it highly probable that there is other life out there.

  • People these days are way too certain about what they perceive as "their reality."  People shut-down and dismiss the panoply of evidence and records from our ancestors from all over the face of our planet, stretching back millennia, that describe and intimate (or simply record) things that we don't now simply don't understand.

    To be honest, I suspect that, whilst our current technological expertise is undeniably at an ever growing zenith, our species were once FAR more informed about other matters.  I think we have chosen to ignore or disregard information that our fore bearers thought were important for us to know.

    I agree.

    We only need to look to Stonehenge and that is but a small example.

    'There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.'

  • I 100% believe that life exists on other planets. Is just has to by the law ove averages. Yes I can believe there are UFO's, more likely than there being a god.

  • "insects have

    their own point

    of view about

    civilisation a man

    thinks he amounts

    to a great deal

    but to a

    flea or a

    mosquito a

    human being is

    merely something

    good to eat"

  • Dark matter and dark energy amount to 95% of the observable universe to our species.

    Our species have no* idea what dark matter and dark energy is - ideas yes, but no conclusions.

    We are in the dark.  This is a fact.

    Unquestionably, there are UFOs / UAPs.  By definition, this is unquestionable.

    The question is, WHAT are they and WHAT are they doing.

    I remain completely open to ALL reasonably cogent hypotheses as to what they might be, including (but not limited to) extra terrestrial origin and/or space time warping.

    I believe that most current humans are more arrogant that EVER before in the history of our species.

    People these days are way too certain about what they perceive as "their reality."  People shut-down and dismiss the panoply of evidence and records from our ancestors from all over the face of our planet, stretching back millennia, that describe and intimate (or simply record) things that we don't now simply don't understand.

    To be honest, I suspect that, whilst our current technological expertise is undeniably at an ever growing zenith, our species were once FAR more informed about other matters.  I think we have chosen to ignore or disregard information that our fore bearers thought were important for us to know.

    With the current level of arrogance and ignorance on display from our species, we are due a VERY rude awakening.

    Just my opinion folks.

  • Which resources? If they are travelling through space time I'm sure they would be better managing their resources than we are hence they wouldn't need ours. 

    If it's humans they are after, more sophisticated species may be more compassionate beings than ours.

  • Do I believe that there are flying objects that have not been identified,? Yes.

  • I am fascinated with the UFO phenomenon. There's been some amazingly interesting accounts from pilots over the years and there is some amount of acceptance and push to disclose as much as possible as of late. Many people have seen silver orbs which I find fascinating. I don't know if they are from another solar system but they could be ancient drones from a long forgotten civilization here or possibly mars. Or could be from the deepest parts of the sea. I like the possibility of them being interdimensional. I keep an open mind

    As far as belief goes I refuse to blindly believe anything I have not seen conclusively. researching the internet and reading books can't truly prove anything until there's strong physical evidence that can be scrutinized by the public or at least a group of highly specialised volunteers who get no profit from publicly live documenting thier findings. Even if something like what you have read I wouldn't know for sure if it was a purely man made event. Again I am open to the paranormal and I don't have issue with anyone who does or doesn't believe... I want to believe