Not responding to name.

Good evening everyone.  2yr 2m toddler does everything that a toddler at this age should do.  Runs, climbs, plays with her sister, sings songs, counts to 10, knows her colors, able to tell me months of the year BUT she doesn’t respond to her name. She doesn’t converse with me. Doesn’t ask for things. We don’t have a dialogue. She will say “let’s go outside” when she sees me put on my shoes. She will say “let’s go upstairs” when she sees us go up to sleep. She will sings songs with words.  Her memory is superb!!!! But she doesn’t use all these words that she knows in a conversation. I spoke to her early intervention counselor and she said that it looks like all that she knows is memorized and learned and that she doesn’t come up with anything new herself.  Tomorrow we will have our very first EI meeting. They will evaluate my daughter tomorrow and will give me the verdict in couple of weeks.  My question is, will the therapy help her? Will she be able to have a conversation with me one day.  Will she answer to her name eventually? She is so smart but just doesn’t connect words to its meaning.  

  • She sound absolutely delightful!  Yes, I'm very confident that your relationship will grow and blossom as she does.....and you do.  You sound like a very lucky parent.  I would imagine that your daughter will help you to understand how some of us prefer to communicate.  Please don't become too dogmatic about how one should communicate

    Names are a "funny" one for me too.  Please don't sweat the small stuff!

    As I was reading your description of your daughter above, my mind drove me to "Community." = TV show.  There is a character therein who is uber bright (both his role and in real life), really funny and entertaining, but presents and communicates in a way considered "otherly" by neuro typical souls.

    People who are different are cool.  Your daughter sounds both cool and highly capable.  Cherish her.

    Very best wishes


  • Thank you for this reply.  Pray tone1

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