What are the coping strategies that work for you?

Hello everyone.

Something I am really struggling with understanding advice and help from friends/family. People like to express their ways of dealing with the problems I have like they are an easy task.

Specifically dealing with social paralysis, and not being able to stop over thinking before reaching out thus leading to avoidance.

It seems to be that the done thing to be "mindful" and "exercise".

I am aware that one could make adjustments to adopt these habits.

What adjustments, protocols and tools do you guys use when dealing specifically with social paralysis, and not being able to stop over thinking before reaching out thus leading to avoidance.

Parents Reply
  • It's not nonsense, but he does reply unseriously a lot. Which isn't a bad thing! We need all kinds of people here.  It just has to be kept in mind and new people might not get it. 

    I remember me and someone else spending several posts not realising his comment on peeing with the lid down was a joke...

  • I don't understand why being more numb than most other humans means that I have a bottish name? Misdirection.  Total AI.  Primordial tutelage. I am Number.  God bless.

  • Hahaha great analogy I used to watch that show.. yeh I get what your saying. Hmm I'm on to you now Number... You have a bottish name and wouldn't a bot say something like [except bots] as a diversion tactic??? 

  • Indeed so. It takes "Different Strokes" (as the song goes.)

    Disambiguation - Making this song reference here probably appears nonsense and might even be a stretch for those who watched telly in the late 1970's and who have had dalliances with TMZ over the years.

    Autistic folk are complex entities who can readily bamboozle with all sorts of boogaloo bombasticism.....but that's OK!

    All are welcome here. [Except bots!]