Disabled Bus pass / Travel pass for autism

Has anyone managed to acquire a disabled bus pass for autism in absence of a learning disability? The pass caters for those who are visually and hearing impaired, those who struggle with walking and those with learning disabilities, but seems to rule out every other disability. 

Under the part that is most / somewhat applicable :

Eligibility criteria

Learning disabilities
The applicant has a learning disability that is “a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which includes significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning”.

Impairment of social functioning applies, obviously.

  • My daughter has managed to get a disabled bus pass and uses it daily. She applied for it herself. It does rule out all other disabilities, I agree but I know that on bad days she struggles to communicate verbally so would not be able to ask for a bus ticket so this is amazing to have. She does lack social skills aswell. I think she only managed to get this pass because of her scores on her PIP. She got more than 8 points for moving around. I would certainly try your luck with it and apply for it like everyday is a bad day, not your average day. 

    I hope this makes sense and helps. 

  • Me too.

    In public I'm more less mute especially on public transport so it is a really handy asset for me.

  • I like how you did that, thanks for the information.

  • Well they do ask for a PIP-assessment with a certain mobility-score, but I did not have that score so it took a bit of negotiation, as I had to ask them to consider the MDT-report in line with ‘walking around’ and ‘planning a journey’ criteria. Ultimately, you need to establish a risk of harm to self and others, then you layer psychological-distress over that.  
    I did it by myself, I didn’t do it will stamps and registrations with other services, but I believe that the present of PIP weighed-heavily on the decision. I did it solely using the application and good use of a requested follow-up email..

    I believe that it is best not to be dramatic but simply state your case as officially as possible, I understand that the word ‘overwhelming’ is not used in the description given so you should not use it, I believe the correct-term is ‘substantial’.. I hope this helps you to more-clearly identify your circumstances..:)

  •  Did you need to get a stamp and signature from your local authority / social services learning disabilities officer? That is what the form is asking of me, I'm not registered with SServices. Did you have to specifically register?

    Did you apply yourself or did someone apply on your behalf?

    mines on the grounds of risk of harm whilst moving around, owning to lack of awareness, and the resultant psychological distress of living with that lack of awareness

    Was this determined on a PIP assessment? I've something similar (overwhelming psychologic distress  [DWP report])

  • TriS I think it's lovely you care so much but *** them, it's nobodies business why you need to use it! 

    Lots of disabilities aren't visible. More power to you!

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