ADO-2 MOdule 4 question

Does anyone understand the ADO-2 break down? 

In comparing her scores to clinical cutoffs, her Social Interaction (6) score was in the autism range; Communication (3) was in the autism spectrum range, and Communication + Social Interaction (10) was in the autism range. Taken together, her ADOS-2 scores place her within the autism range.

  • The gold standard of autism-screening is derived from two tests: ADOS-2 (which is basically ADOS with an early screening module added) which sets out the 4 modules to assess you for the key autistic domains (which you’ve highlighted); then they pair it with a ADI-R which is interview with a close-carer than seeks the iron-out the deficiencies of the prior diagnostic procedure.  
    Both are scored in line with the key domains of autism-related behaviour, if both tests reach a certain-threshold, then ASD is established. Additionally, the severity of autism is established based on problematic-behaviours and is rated. Both tests together are thought to offer highly-reliable detection. 
    They will also be seeking build a profile of you that will help with future interventions and definition of support needs..
    It’s a bit of a squeeze to justified telling you this, because of rule 13, but it was my personal-experience, so I hope I can chalk-it-up to an anecdote..Sweat smile

    I’m not sure if I’ve satisfied your query..? I had to dig deep into the lore for that one, as I haven’t had need to remember it since I established my post-diagnosis chops..Sweat smile

  • Just to state the obvious, I’m not a professional, so if anybody has a bone-to-pick with what I just stated, then by all means, you can proverbially tear-me-to-pieces.. I welcome it..Nerd

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