Accepting compliments

For anyone who used to struggle with this and managed to find it easier, how did you distinguish between a compliment seemingly not feeling genuine and one that does?

I'm well aware that my low self-esteem is the reason why I've struggled to respond to compliments and really take them in, and it's something I'm really working on. Sometimes I'd make a joke in response and it kills it somewhat.

There's probably an argument that adults tend to not pay people compliments unless they genuinely mean it - at that point in time anyway.

  • It has to be said that whilst I appreciate receiving compliments, I can sometimes struggle with how to respond... Other than saying, "Thank you" that is.

    I definitely don't consider myself to be an oil painting. Therefore, if I'm complimented on how I look, as flattered as I may feel, I have a tendency to play it down and make light of it... "Thank you. I'm guessing it's been a while since you last saw an optician?" If I'm complimented on something creative I've done, I find it considerably easier to accept.

    I'm in agreement that it can sometimes be hard to know if a compliment is genuine. I had a grandmother who seemed to excel at giving out backhanded compliments, although I don't think it was something she was aware of.

  • You are a nice decent Person at Heart.
    You are not silly.
    Keep those confidence levells up.
    You just need an esteem boost.

  • Thank you for your kind words.

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