Quirks :)

I started keeping a list of some of my quirks because I find them amusing Slight smile so I thought I'd share some of mine, you can add your own ones to the thread below if you feel like it: 

- I can't touch hangers - they freak me out.

- certain kinds of pasta are WRONG.

- particular bowls in my kitchen are for specific things (pasta, cereal) and cannot be mixed up.

- I haven't worn underwear since the pandemic.

  • I horde things I buy - soup, bottles of water, toilet paper, batteries. I did this before Covid and didn't run out of anything during the height of the pandemic. 

    I never touch anything outside of my house with my hands. I always use tissues and then bin them.

    I have three glasses of water a day. One in the morning. One after lunch and one after tea. 

    I bath every day at 7pm.

  • I horde things I buy - soup, bottles of water, toilet paper, batteries

    Yep, me too. If I need or like something I have a compulsion to horde it. 

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