A warning for ASD people who are Vulnarable like i was.

Hi Everybody.

I am Lee. I used to post here on the NAS website quite often a few months ago.
My Medical issues took me into drink and prescription Drugs where i started posting unacceptable things that offended people.
I was not me.
I left NAS alone for a few months as not only did i offend,but i let myself down to.
Today, i have read an article in the Sun Newspaper that once again brought all the pain back.
It was the reason why my mental Health was compromised in the first place.
There is ONE person on this site that knows this, if you are reading, i hope you are well. You know who you are.
I appologise to anybody that i have previously and unintentinally offended on this site.
I will leave the link below, BUT i was taken in, and i thought i was a good judge of people.
I knew SOMETHING was not right, but it is only the last few years that have revealled the truth.
I have also spoken to Her parents,who,quite frankly have Dis-owned Her.
So,what is my point ? Simply this.... Those with ASD are targets, any weakness will be exploited by people like 
you will see in this link. Crazy ? NO. She was/ is a psychopath in the TRUE definition.
I thought i was reasonably intelligent, She tore me to shreds before moving onto the next one.
Be careful People, we all want to be loved, but not to the point of Destroyed.
You all take care.
God Bless.


  • Hello Lee.

    Well that's a proper horror story!  Well done for keeping yourself together/surviving.....I'm quite certain that many people simply don't make it.

    I spent so, so so long, thinking that there was something profoundly wrong with me.....that if others had started toying with me and my emotions during those times....I'm pretty sure I could easily have been pushed over the edge.

    I was aware of some commotion surrounding the coms with jester in this place a while back....but hadn't realised it was all so serious.....it spooks me out !

    It is good of you to come back on here to pass on your warning.  I didn't see any psychopaths lurking around here at the time, and I think I am reasonably intelligent too.......but then I guess that is the whole damn point/definition of being a psychopath (to a large extent)!?

    I hope you are intending to stick around here again for a while?  Things seem quite quiet and banal at the moment?!

    In any event, I wish you well sir....and am very pleased to see you still swimming.

    Kind regards


  • Hi Lee,  Hang in there/here mate, welcome back.  I've never experienced engagenent with a psychopath---but then how could I know as they are very clever in their scheming ways.  It can be a dangerous place if you let your guard down.  I'm probably too over cautious having been brought (dragged) up in a big city always checking my reflection in shop windows. Character judgement is very difficult online without bodylanguage. Time spent online in this forum can  be the only option with input from anyone taken at arms length.   This is where I come unstuck owing to my short attention span. I get bored easily. But never mind this is about you and your bravery to "face the music again" on this great site.

    Best of luck to you with happy inputs.

  • Hi Lee,  Hang in there/here mate, welcome back.  I've never experienced engagenent with a psychopath---but then how could I know as they are very clever in their scheming ways.  It can be a dangerous place if you let your guard down.  I'm probably too over cautious having been brought (dragged) up in a big city always checking my reflection in shop windows. Character judgement is very difficult online without bodylanguage. Time spent online in this forum can  be the only option with input from anyone taken at arms length.   This is where I come unstuck owing to my short attention span. I get bored easily. But never mind this is about you and your bravery to "face the music again" on this great site.

    Best of luck to you with happy inputs.

  • Thanks NAS 86592.
    My picture is NOT in that story.
    She did what She did in the following months that i was involved with Her.
    24 Hours in Police custody is what happend after.
    The Police let me down,so i will bide my time.
    Thank you for your kind message.