Were you ever told you that you were exaggerating when you were discussing your problems?

Not sure if anyone has experienced this, but personally I’ve been accused of exaggerating or overreacting to a problem that seems justified in my view. I think people don’t pay attention to the whole story and make assumptions about a certain background as if it is normal. Unfortunately they cannot speak for all of us as one’s experience may completely differ from another’s.

I ain’t got much else to say, so I’ll just leave it here.

  • I’ve been accused of exaggerating or overreacting to a problem that seems justified in my view. I think people don’t pay attention to the whole story and make assumptions about a certain background as if it is normal.

    It helps to see this from the perspective of the neurotypicals as this explains their reaction.

    They see us autists as snowflakes sometimes - if the lights are a tiny bit too bright (in their opinion) then we say it gives us a blinding headach - if the music is a little too loud then we say we can't make out the conversation they are having with us - if the food has a tiny bit of chilli in it then we compain it is too hot etc.

    Obviously the above does not apply to all but I'll use it to illustrate the point.

    To the NTs we are too needy, too fragile and they often just don't get the understaning of what the discomfort actually is to us because to them it is just slightly different to normal. They think we just need to toughen up a bit or stop complaining because it can't be that bad.

    We can also be prone to fixating about things such as germs or being very anxious about risks they believe to be insignificant so that can make them think we are hypocondriacs.

    That is the crux of why I believe they diminish out statements - because they cannot really identify with them in the way we do. IT also explains why they lack the patience to hear our full story - for them it is just padding the story.

    That is my understanding of it anyway.

  • So if nt’s are very dismissive of our problems, why exactly do we still need to understand their perspective when it’s literally narrow-minded and inconsiderate? Don’t you think that doing so dismisses our stimulations and perceptions?

    sometimes if people are hard to catch on regarding something problematic, it’d be best to focus on our own issues and validate them rather than tolerate ignorance and gaslighting.

  • So if nt’s are very dismissive of our problems, why exactly do we still need to understand their perspective when it’s literally narrow-minded and inconsiderate? Don’t you think that doing so dismisses our stimulations and perceptions?

    sometimes if people are hard to catch on regarding something problematic, it’d be best to focus on our own issues and validate them rather than tolerate ignorance and gaslighting.

  • I personally do not agree because these expectations tell us that we are not capable of being ourselves. Masking our emotions is very toxic and demeaning. We don’t need to abide by the nt POV if they refuse to see us as valid.

  • So if nt’s are very dismissive of our problems, why exactly do we still need to understand their perspective when it’s literally narrow-minded and inconsiderate?

    My take on this - it is because we are a small minority (5 - 10% of the population) so to quote Spock "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few".

    I'm not saying it is fair but to change the mindset of the population will take time and we probably need to be realistic with our expectations.

    Again - only my opinion.