Emotional/psychological attachment to objects/belongings

I was wondering today if this is an autistic thing.

I've spent several decades collecting objects and the last decade+ trying to rid myself of the majority.

However, I have given up on the idea of ever being minimalist.

I notice that I remember where everything came from, even, when purchased, which shop in which town.

I try not to be sentimental about things, but sometimes I can't help it.

My mother, who I believe was autistic, was a hoarder in quite an extreme sense.

My autistic friend finds it very hard to part with belongings.

Everything has an association.

Are others like this and are there contributors here who are genuinely minimalistic and don't have an attachment to things?

  • So much I relate to on this thread! Scary. Especially with the feeling sorry for things. It is more that even than an actual emotional attachment, that is something different which I have too, but I can make emotional attachments to people (and to my cat) which is stronger than to things. But the feeling sorry for things can be awful, it can get triggered reading about people throwing things away! Which is mad and seriously not helpful as I am trying to declutter.

    I collect things. I remember where things came from for quite a long time, but as I look at some things from a decade or more ago I am alarmed to find some of them I have forgotten some details of, or even forgot I had them as they have been put away for years! It causes me some distress when I forget, as I know I used to know, also I feel guilty to the thing for not caring enough. I try hard to squash feelings like that as it is not possible to not have some favourite things, and then feel a bit bad for the less favoured things.

    The having too much stuff can be autism and/or ADHD (I am probably both). And both make it hard to fix! Which is why I am having counselling/coaching.

  • I know I used to know, also I feel guilty to the thing for not caring enough. I try hard to squash feelings like that as it is not possible to not have some favourite things, and then feel a bit bad for the less favoured things.

    Why not try doing what you would do it it was a person - apologise and say you will try harder.

    Simple, sincere, honest and slightly amusing to anyone watching.

    That will help the guilt and remind you to review your collection so you can conciously decide what is due to throw out.

  • I know I used to know, also I feel guilty to the thing for not caring enough. I try hard to squash feelings like that as it is not possible to not have some favourite things, and then feel a bit bad for the less favoured things.

    Why not try doing what you would do it it was a person - apologise and say you will try harder.

    Simple, sincere, honest and slightly amusing to anyone watching.

    That will help the guilt and remind you to review your collection so you can conciously decide what is due to throw out.

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