Temple Grandin

I know she is a well known autistic figure, but I just wanted to mention the film. I saw it yesterday and was both impressed and disturbed by it.

I thought Claire Danes' performance was very good and a good impression of Temple (I've watched her TED talks).

I also read that she started taking a low does antidepressant in her 30s which helped her anxiety & panic attacks, but interestingly (I have IBD) it cured her colitis.

I thought that worth mentioning for autistics like me who also have colitis

Have you seen the film? What else have you read from Temple that has helped you?

  • Interestingly, I actually knew of Temple Grandin from her agricultural/animal science work first, rather than knowing of her as a famous autistic person. I did my undergraduate degree in her field so her work was brought up quite often.

    I'm sure the fact that she's also autistic must have been mentioned but at the time I had no idea that I was autistic as well, so it totally passed me by!

  • Interestingly, I actually knew of Temple Grandin from her agricultural/animal science work first, rather than knowing of her as a famous autistic person. I did my undergraduate degree in her field so her work was brought up quite often.

    I'm sure the fact that she's also autistic must have been mentioned but at the time I had no idea that I was autistic as well, so it totally passed me by!

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