If you are thinking of leaving the forum ...

because of the arguments, why not hibernate?

I have done this before.

You can change your name to 'hibernating'.

It's good psychologically because it stops me from posting and indicates to others that you are having a break.

Also, you can choose to still PM (which I do) which isolates you less.

 has chosen to do this yesterday.

I've been told by one person that someone they knew was thinking of joining but didn't because of the disagreements, others post far less, others join and then stay a short while.

I was sad to read s post today.

To the new people here: it's not always like this and only certain subjects are incendiary so if you can manage to avoid reading them, that would help.

I am guilty of having joined into arguments because I also feel passionately about certain subjects and I expect I will occasionally still make my point.

However, I think restraint here is the key and personal insults should never be acceptable.

I dearly hope that this thread doesn't go the same way as my 'arguments' thread and become one almightly row ...

  • Today I'm considering whether to leave the forum.

    When I was 1st diagnosed late in life (60) a year and a few months ago, this forum was a Godsend.

    A really important place where I could learn and be supported and equally, give support to others.

    At its best it's superb.

    However, I do personally have difficulty when threads are made that offend me and I know others do too.

    It isn't so simple as just not responding when these things act as a trigger for past traumas and fights you've had.

    I've had quite a few fights in my life that have been long and hard and inequality bothers me - a lot.

    There have been various threads and postings that simply do offend - including one with views pertaining to women set in aspic.

    I do think that more could be done here with moderation, including an LGBTQ+ section as those types of threads have ended up locked due to conflict and also another section, as I suggested before, where other controversial ones could sit and people could try to avoid them.

    Hopefully then those boundaries could be respected by others.

    If I go, I just want to say a huge thanks to those friends I've made and for the huge fun that's been had here.

    Also, if I do, I will post here to say and if people would like my private email address, I'll supply by PM.

    I miss those that have already left - a lot Slight frown

    I hope everyone has a good, trauma free Sunday Blush

  • Today I'm considering whether to leave the forum.

    I hope you'll stay Debbie. You've created a lot of great - and I think important- threads here, that many have participated in. 

    I think the forum would be poorer without you.

    The arguing and hostility going on here at the moment is typical of internet interaction. It's culture wars, basically - I don't think I've seen anything yet that doesn't fall under that umbrella. 

    There are so many really pressing issues in society and the world that we could be thinking about, that affect us all, instead of having entrenched battles over ideology...

    However, I've also seen that things move along quickly here, so hopefully the forum won't stay like this for long. 

    I won't be leaving, although I might be getting my sketchbook out.. Slight smilex

  • Is the "internet" like the (more properly termed) "Interweb thingy"?

    the moment is typical of internet interaction. It's culture wars, basically

    You give me hope Pegg - you are a wise watcher but remain closer to your start, rather than your end.

    Hope springs eternal....and thank you for sharing the waterfall.

    Keep the paints, pencils and crayons at all costs (please)......but never be afraid to ditch a keyboard!

  • Is the "internet" like the (more properly termed) "Interweb thingy"?

    the moment is typical of internet interaction. It's culture wars, basically

    You give me hope Pegg - you are a wise watcher but remain closer to your start, rather than your end.

    Hope springs eternal....and thank you for sharing the waterfall.

    Keep the paints, pencils and crayons at all costs (please)......but never be afraid to ditch a keyboard!
