Universal Basic income

Don't know how many of you have heard about the small trial of this? Its only a few people but they are given a no questions asked payment of £1600pm for two years on the trial. 

I am sure I am not the old one whi thinks this would massivley change their life? I work 38 hours a week and only take home about £1850pm, and every one of those hours is a total slog and a battle againt ASD. I would take 6 months-1 year off and then probably do some voulenteer work doing something I love. Sadly I can't see it coming in any time soon but his would be a game changer for anybody with mental heath issues and physical disabilities. Of course that works as long as there is not massive inflation to go with it and prices remain stable.

What are your thoughts?


  • £1600 per month x 45 million adults in the UK = a new cost of £864bn per year.

    In the last financial year, total UK tax revenue was £1,017bn.

    So you'd need to increase taxes by 85% to pay for this. Who would bother working in this scenario? And then how would the UBI be funded?

  • I strongly suspect that aside from NGO’s, UBI’s main source of funding is the WEF and the world bank, not the U.K. taxpayer - and at some future point, the WEF will want its money back with interest, forcing national governments to implement their policies regardless of how it affects the citizens of those nations - aside from the U.K., it’s totally obvious that the Irish government is bought and paid for by the WEF as leaders are selected not elected, problem reaction solution, once freedoms are taken away they are never given back, democracy is an illusion, infiltration via the long March through the institutions - all politicians are pointless now and there is no political solutions 

  • I strongly suspect that aside from NGO’s, UBI’s main source of funding is the WEF and the world bank, not the U.K. taxpayer - and at some future point, the WEF will want its money back with interest, forcing national governments to implement their policies regardless of how it affects the citizens of those nations - aside from the U.K., it’s totally obvious that the Irish government is bought and paid for by the WEF as leaders are selected not elected, problem reaction solution, once freedoms are taken away they are never given back, democracy is an illusion, infiltration via the long March through the institutions - all politicians are pointless now and there is no political solutions 

  • Obama made it all about Race.

    Many Black Americans are beginning to see through the Agenda. In 2020, a significantly greater number of Minority Groups voted for Trump. The 'election' of President Biden was a fraud.

    It's about depopulating the Entire World. People working for a system, and ideology, rather than for a living. Dependency, rather than productivity.

  • Benefits became a way-of-life. And the only other way to earn money, there, is to sell drugs.

    It all began in the Sixties, whenever Working Class Pride became a Battle-Cry. Especially from those who did make money; such as John Lennon, and Tony Wilson.

    Easy money led to the debauchment of the currency; at the behest of the American Empire.

  • Or indeed if all whites in western nations were exterminated by the globalists depopulation agenda by Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050, following the displacement of whites, their having been made an illegal minority in all western nations, where it would become illegal to be white (or at the very least, a second-class citizen) - many other racial groups have been openly calling for the extermination of whites and it is truly terrifying to hear, yet all other races could be subjected to the same policies once whites are no longer in the picture if the globalist elites then decided that the population was still too high and aside from their own leftist supporters, they would then do the same against all other racial minorities (who by then could easily become the majority due to very high birth rates) 

  • Living in a socially deprived area of Manchester for 21 years, I recall hearing stories of teenage mothers after dropping out of school early to have as many children as possible by several different fathers at parties because “it just happened” from being drunk and being on drugs and they saw it as a career move to collect as much as possible from the state, where entire generations of families “from the cradle to the grave” were totally dependent on state handouts which caused many of its own problems later on - the closest that many came to getting a job was doing some work experience course which was only done in a cynical attempt to hold onto benefits entitlement and entitlement to council house, even if they had other jobs on the black market and were living abroad off criminal assets - while ASB and other criminal behaviours continued, at some point and at some level they did regret it later on and they ensured that they destroyed their own futures by doing so, while still blaming the state for their misery 

  • There is no body or entity on the planet that could afford the trillions needed to pay people to do nothing.

    The only scenario in which UBI could realistically be implemented, would be if jobs were automated en-masse and the profits of that automated labour distributed.

    But then we'd have the 'idle hands are the devil's workshop' problem.

  • Class War; benefitting the Political Class.

    Plus, there's the possibility of it being juxtaposed with the Mark of the Beast.

    People are supposed to work for a living, not for a system or ideology. However, most major job applicants hark on about jobs 'being in line with my values'.