Feel utterly defeated

Feel utterley defeated

Started a new job, first time Ive really felt like I was getting over my burnout and getting some confidence back to get back out socially again and try and make a success of myself

Declared my autism for a job for the first time ever. Went through the Occupational Health Assesment. Got my Reasonable Adjustment requests. 
My boss has literally done the opposite of all my reasonable adjustments since I started the job, to the point where I have been denied things that are in my reasonable adjustments even if non autistic staff have them

Put up with it all. Learned, studied, taught myself company computer systems. Only to find that no one had told me how they calculate pay and it was about half what I thought it was going to be. Honestly 4 days a week 8 hours a day for £600 a month? How? I have a family to support. Thankfully we have UC but this job has now put that in jepordy. 

Sent endless complicated calculations by HR to show how they have paid me, honestly I doubt even Einstein could figure it out yet the more I tell them I dont understand it the more they email me

Just feel like I did everything right with this job, I played the "normals" game like I was supposed to, did everything I was supposed to do to make a success in the NT world and get even more shafted than I usually do

What is the bloody point of trying to play by the worlds rules if they keep changing the rules half way through

  • Sorry you're going through this Billy.

    He sounds like a typical boss, arrogant and lies without caring how it's going to affect the people who keep the business going.

    Can you write to him, strongly, telling him how you feel and how you have a family to support? 

    Or could you go higher? To the company directors, see if they can step in at this point.

    Keep cool man, this is a hurdle, but you can get over it. We're here with you when you need us.

  • We're here with you when you need us.

    Thank you, I love this forum. Its such a supportive place

    Yes I have put in a formal grievance to the college. Just cant cope with the process of meetings and going through it all while still trying to cope with doing my job

  • We're here with you when you need us.

    Thank you, I love this forum. Its such a supportive place

    Yes I have put in a formal grievance to the college. Just cant cope with the process of meetings and going through it all while still trying to cope with doing my job

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