How was school for you?

I have noticed questions by carers about their children during lunch breaks. This got me thinking of my own experience.

I left school over 40 years ago and it is only in the last few years I realized I was autistic.

When I was at school a lot of lessons were quite formal which suited me. However when it came to lunchtime as all the schools I went to were nearby I went home for lunch. In the Junior school quite a few people went home for lunchtime which was nearly an hour and a half. Most occasions when I stayed it was for a club but I didn't like being at school for the whole day and especially the long lunch break.

I wonder if modern schools are more of a challenge for autistics.

  • The most unhappy days of my life.

    Infant + junior school I was bullied and struggled because it wasn't until I was 9 that the teachers realised I was acutely short-sighted and needed glasses.

    In the junior school I wore hand-me-downs and even my mother's old shoes!

    I didn't pass my 11+ so went to a Secondary Modern school where I wasn't expected to take exams.

    The pattern repeated itself.

    It was only when the school became Comprehensive that the opportunity to study presented itself so I managed to scrape by with some 'O' and 'A' levels, in spite of having only the library to study in as I lived in a noisy council house and shared a bedroom with my sister.

    Our group were the 1st pupils in the school to study for 'A' levels, ever.

    I hate the 11+ and Secondary Modern concept and am so glad it ended.

    The bullying never really stopped though and I still have nightmares about school.

    Sorry to give such a depressing reply.

    Really interesting topic.

    Thank you.

  • Terrible! Until college all I wanted was to not be there but be home. I was also held back in the 3rd grade which made things even more socially awkward for me than they already were. It was kinda weird because they just held me back with no special attention afterwards. Just try again I guess?I did about the same. I don’t know if autism was even on the radar back then. If I’m even on the spectrum that is.