Waking up.

Anyone have any trouble waking up? Literally since I can remember I struggle to get out of first gear. 
Im pretty sure it’s a dopamine issue. It takes me at least an hour or two to get into second gear. 
interested if any other people have similar issues? I would love to wake up and have the ability to speak lol

does anyone have any tips or tricks to get your brain going?

  • Yes, me. Once my eyes have opened, I find it can take the rest of my body a good hour to realise I'm awake, and maybe up to another hour or more for my brain to catch up and start functioning. If I'm having a particularly bad day, it can often be a case of 'the lights are on, but nobody's home'. As though my brain has gone AWOL. Wink

    I think a lot of it is now age-related for me, as it has become more of an issue since becoming middle-aged. My 'go-to' is to drink at least one cup of coffee, cross my fingers, and hope it will be enough to wake up my brain.

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