breathing wrong


i just noticed i have been breathing wrong all the time automatically.
been having chest pains and so on and feel like wasnt getting enough oxygen in my blood and just now infront of the mirror i randomly realised i wasnt breathing right.

for one i wasnt using my lower abdomen so there was no diaphragm movement at all in m breathing, full upper chest which probably caused pressure on it and obviously isnt the right way to breathe, but also i noticed i was inflating my chest when breathing out and deflating when breathing in... all this done without me realising.

so is it a autistic thing to subconsciously get your breathing all completely wrong? lol

i then focused in the mirror while up right breathing right, by inflating my lower abdomen when breathing in and tightening when breathing out,. for the first few minutes my diaphragm hurt showing that it was indeed under used and weak from lack of use. but i focused and did it until it didnt feel painful and now the weird chest feeling has gone away and feels normal.

just thought id share... incase some of you try and see if the same is for you and then it might help you if you didnt realise it and can fix it.
although seeing as i was breathing wrong without me realising i guess it would happen again. 

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