breathing wrong


i just noticed i have been breathing wrong all the time automatically.
been having chest pains and so on and feel like wasnt getting enough oxygen in my blood and just now infront of the mirror i randomly realised i wasnt breathing right.

for one i wasnt using my lower abdomen so there was no diaphragm movement at all in m breathing, full upper chest which probably caused pressure on it and obviously isnt the right way to breathe, but also i noticed i was inflating my chest when breathing out and deflating when breathing in... all this done without me realising.

so is it a autistic thing to subconsciously get your breathing all completely wrong? lol

i then focused in the mirror while up right breathing right, by inflating my lower abdomen when breathing in and tightening when breathing out,. for the first few minutes my diaphragm hurt showing that it was indeed under used and weak from lack of use. but i focused and did it until it didnt feel painful and now the weird chest feeling has gone away and feels normal.

just thought id share... incase some of you try and see if the same is for you and then it might help you if you didnt realise it and can fix it.
although seeing as i was breathing wrong without me realising i guess it would happen again. 

  • I will look that up see if I can try not to do it. Thanks for sharing about this here, it's something I think a lot of us experience and will want to try and sort :) 

  • well i chatted with a AI on discord about it and the wrong type of breathing i was doing was both shallow in chest area but was also a thing called reverse breathing, so the damaging breathing that we maybe doing wrong without noticing is reverse breathing and yeah it can cause chest tightness and poor posture and lack of oxygen and blood flow. so it kinda makes sense.

  • Ouch I hope you're ok now.

    I find breathing difficult lol. I know it comes naturally but when I get busy I forget it and focus on whatever I'm doing and then I'm suddenly gasping and feeling lightheaded where I'm not breathing properly.

    Is there a name for this, other than being an idiot lol XD 

  • I've noticed that I breathe a lot slower than other people. No idea why. If I try to match another person breath for breath it feels so fast!

  • Join the Club, Mate.

    I can never breathe through my nose.

  • It's embarrassing that I've just learned now that shallow breathing is the one that goes inly to the chest and that correct or healthy one goes down to the belly. My therapist used to ask me to breathe until the air reaches the end of my spin. Now it all makes sense :D

  • One thing I was told a while ago that helps (when I remember- it’s crazy how often I go for hours breathing painfully shallowly before noticing) is that when trying to breathe more fully and deeply one should imagine breathing upwards from the feet. Hope that makes sense! It’s a great way to quickly redistribute the conceptual energy flow and thus the technique. Even if it’s just for a little while, it can help relive some tension. 

  • Also, look after general health, sip enough water though out the day. 

    glass of water before going to bed it good too, consult your doctor. 

  • I would recommend going to the doctor if you think that 

  • A wind instrument is a great way to build up good breath control. 

  • You do not need to tighten in when you exhale. 

    Keep it relaxed. 

    Perhaps learn some diaphragmatic breathing alongside vocal support.

    The only pull in needed is if you are a singer, and even then that is for advanced singing methods. 

    Many people do not breath correctly, they breath correctly when they are babies, and then they end up breathing up in the chest area. 

    Be careful when practicing correct breathing, it can make people feel dizzy for a while , as the body gets used to it. 

    Eventually you can build up on the breathing methods and benefit health wise. 

    I am a trained singer by the bel canto masters.  

    In time you can train your body so that you breath correctly without having to focus your mind on it. 

    There is even more advanced breathing techniques you can add to that. 

    For us singers it helps keep a long note.

  • Never thought there was a wrong way? Mind you I am a mouth breather and recently found out that is wrong too! Just makes sense to me to breathe through the biggest hole capable?

  • Caelus,

    Try learning to play a wind instrument. I sometimes play a bit of sax where breath control is vital; it could really help

    And as a bonus, it will totally endear you to your neighbours, especially at 3am!


  • This made me realise that there are wrong and right breathing. I thought it was just breathing.

  • aye thats what i probs been doing, and i think its what was causing my chest tightness and lack of oxygen issues i have been having.

    also my breathing was so borked that i was inflating when breathing out and deflating when breathing in.

    i kinda glad its just this because i was thinking that i had coronory heart disease or something lol

  • I remember being taught when I was  learning singing that most children start by breathing with the diaphragm but as they grow into adults tend to move to breathing more with the rib cage. It’s something that they have to un-teach you when they teach you to sing properly