Recognising Faces and Autism/Asperger's


Firstly, I could've sworn I had an account on here and that I posted once before. I had to set up a new account though.

One thing I still question myself about constantly, though my old GP just figured it was because of how... I can't think of the right word... basically how my mind/brain works with over analysing things etc., is whether or not I was mis-diagnosed with autism/Asperger's. I just feel the diagnosis process was a bit too brief. I'd definitely say I have Asperger's if I put myself into any category. I definitely feel there are differences between autistic and Asperger's, whereas now it's all combined together as autism. My brother is much more autistic in comparison and struggles to recognise faces sometimes. He would still fit under the high-functioning category though. In my case, it's more social difficulties, anxieties, and having highly focused hobbies/passions.

One thing I've read is that it's pretty common for autistic people to struggle at recognising and processing faces, but if anything, it tends to be the opposite for me - I'm actually quite good at recognising faces. Not so much at remembering names, if it's someone new I've met, but in terms of actors etc. I tend to recognise a familiar actor pretty quickly. It's definitely a useful thing as I'm at university doing Game Art and specialise in making characters, which requires a LOT of observation and nuances for facial features etc.

However, I have been told 'if you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism'.


EDIT: Also, it's the same with voices, though, again, primarily wth famous people/actors. Can't really say the same about someone I barely know I've met in person.

  • I'm kind of the opposite. I'm good at remembering people I met in person but struggle to watch films or TV with casts that aren't very diverse, as I can't tell whether the e.g. dark-haired white man in a suit is the same dark-haired white man in a suit who was on screen five minutes ago or whether he's a new character.

  • I'm kind of the opposite. I'm good at remembering people I met in person but struggle to watch films or TV with casts that aren't very diverse, as I can't tell whether the e.g. dark-haired white man in a suit is the same dark-haired white man in a suit who was on screen five minutes ago or whether he's a new character.

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