How to block someone?

How do I block someone? I'm getting harrases constantly 

Edit: the profile was called 


But now they have copied my name! 

  • Is it possible to have a blog here? I didn't know that.

  • Wait a minute? Is he talking about us commenting on his other discussion? Are we the harrasers?!.by blog he means a discussion?? 

  • I hope so Bees, It could be that this person is indeed autistic and just needs a little help into how to act on line. So although this is all upsetting for the real Bradley and others on here, good to keep an open mind as to the mind frame of the fake Bradley who might be facing serious issues in life and could benefit from a bit of help like a support worker or counselling. 

  • That is also a possibility tbh, tho I would hate for us to accidentally start a witch hunt on the wrong person too, it's not acceptable what is happening to the real Bradley, but I can't rule out that the account attached to the tag nas86121 hasn't been hacked when I go through their thread/reply history. It's a very low and deceptive thing to abuse the username feature like that though so with the hateful recent posts being made it doesn't look good. I hope the mods can get to the bottom of it.

  • Yes, it is anti-autistic and is maybe someone thinking they are having a laugh. 

    But it shows to me that the person pretending to be Bradley has bad mental health. They should seek out help and hopefully they will get the help that they urgently need. 

  • Because it would be irresponsible for me to sit on additional findings that may give context.
    Nas86121 originally showed no red flags of manipulative or trouble making behaviour but engaged in the forum in a genuine and caring way if anything hostile comes from them we need to report it but be aware that the original user may not be the person who is posting now. There is no evidence to suggest that this is not the result of a hack of the account in question.
    Full quote here in case account is hacked and hacker tries to edit that post in the link:

    To parents / carers,

    I lost a very good friend (Daniel) it turned out his mother used me to be his unofficial support despite I only wanted to be his friend and she knew I had boundary issues! I assisted her increasing his PIP from low DLA care & no mobility to enhanced care & mobility and he was for a very short period ‘elated’ until his mother told him “ALL the PIP is MY money as I am leaving work now!” His sister told me in front of Daniel “he only gets £20 allowance per week” with a smile on her face!

    His weekly benefits income was/is nearly £300! His sister was given £2,000 from their Nan, two driving lessons per week and upon passing her test their mum gave her the family car (worth just over £4,000) and the mother took out a loan to buy another slightly newer car! The sister constantly refused to claim UC a seven when she gained a job refused to contribute to household expenses until stood up for Daniel and then it was only buying weekly groceries (their mum probably gave her some money towards it?) 

    Daniel needed and wanted external support but his mother actually told me she didn’t want external people knowing certain personal family matters? Daniel did ask for a referral and his mum contacted but made sure they never was able to contact her knowing they would give up / he would give up!

    For him I wrote up a very well written request for a care (act) assessment which I sent to the “first point of contact” and they were so impressed they assumed I was a professional and forwarded it to the appropriate social work team  - unfortunately his mum was a social worker / ex local authority employee and they accepted her saying he had changed his mind! (This was pressure she and his sister put on him!) our friendship was allowed to continue but after I took him out for a film / social meal which few others joined us he really enjoyed himself until he arrived home whereby his sister verbally attacked him for seeing me! He ended our friendship that evening!

    so I put a safeguarding concern but due to his mother being a ex social worker / employee it was very quickly ignored!

    not long ago someone who goes over once a month stated “Daniel gets on better with his mother & sister” This shows he did try to stand up to them but sadly gave up for a quiet life! 

    please don’t treat your adult child the same all siblings should when possible contribute the same! If you are able to work to be less reliant on PIP do so… remember PIP is supposed to ‘enhance’ a disabled persons life? It’s not black & white but you should aim for that!! 

  • Please be aware the user ( @nas86121 ) causing the issues in question has apparently been changing usernames quite a bit, @nas91091 doesn't exist at this time:

Reply Children
  • Because it would be irresponsible for me to sit on additional findings that may give context.
    Nas86121 originally showed no red flags of manipulative or trouble making behaviour but engaged in the forum in a genuine and caring way if anything hostile comes from them we need to report it but be aware that the original user may not be the person who is posting now. There is no evidence to suggest that this is not the result of a hack of the account in question.
    Full quote here in case account is hacked and hacker tries to edit that post in the link:

    To parents / carers,

    I lost a very good friend (Daniel) it turned out his mother used me to be his unofficial support despite I only wanted to be his friend and she knew I had boundary issues! I assisted her increasing his PIP from low DLA care & no mobility to enhanced care & mobility and he was for a very short period ‘elated’ until his mother told him “ALL the PIP is MY money as I am leaving work now!” His sister told me in front of Daniel “he only gets £20 allowance per week” with a smile on her face!

    His weekly benefits income was/is nearly £300! His sister was given £2,000 from their Nan, two driving lessons per week and upon passing her test their mum gave her the family car (worth just over £4,000) and the mother took out a loan to buy another slightly newer car! The sister constantly refused to claim UC a seven when she gained a job refused to contribute to household expenses until stood up for Daniel and then it was only buying weekly groceries (their mum probably gave her some money towards it?) 

    Daniel needed and wanted external support but his mother actually told me she didn’t want external people knowing certain personal family matters? Daniel did ask for a referral and his mum contacted but made sure they never was able to contact her knowing they would give up / he would give up!

    For him I wrote up a very well written request for a care (act) assessment which I sent to the “first point of contact” and they were so impressed they assumed I was a professional and forwarded it to the appropriate social work team  - unfortunately his mum was a social worker / ex local authority employee and they accepted her saying he had changed his mind! (This was pressure she and his sister put on him!) our friendship was allowed to continue but after I took him out for a film / social meal which few others joined us he really enjoyed himself until he arrived home whereby his sister verbally attacked him for seeing me! He ended our friendship that evening!

    so I put a safeguarding concern but due to his mother being a ex social worker / employee it was very quickly ignored!

    not long ago someone who goes over once a month stated “Daniel gets on better with his mother & sister” This shows he did try to stand up to them but sadly gave up for a quiet life! 

    please don’t treat your adult child the same all siblings should when possible contribute the same! If you are able to work to be less reliant on PIP do so… remember PIP is supposed to ‘enhance’ a disabled persons life? It’s not black & white but you should aim for that!!